Citizens' Intention to Use E-Government Services in Local Government by Integrating UTAUT, TPB, and TAM Model


  • Dedy Afrizal Department of Management, STIE Tuah Negeri, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Luthfi Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Muslimin Bin Wallang School of Government, College of Law, Government & International Studies (COLGIS), Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Hildawati Hildawati Department of Public Administration, STIA Lancang Kuning Dumai, Indonesia
  • Kittipan Ekareesakul Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences Prince of Songkla University, Thailand



E-Government, Intention to use, Local Government, Public Service, UTAUT Model


In contemporary society, the widespread adoption of information and communication technologies has become integral to meeting daily needs. E-Government leverages these technologies to deliver efficient and secure services to citizens, particularly at the local government level. However, existing literature lacks comprehensive exploration into citizen preferences for utilizing e-government services, especially those offered by local governments. Addressing this gap, this study investigates citizen intentions to use e-government, focusing on the application system provided by local governments. Our research framework integrates three established models (UTAUT, TAM, and TPB) and employs empirical validation through a structured questionnaire. Data collection involved 97 respondents from diverse cities/regencies. Rigorous reliability and validity assessments were conducted on the questionnaire, with analysis performed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings underscore the significant influence of citizens' attitudes toward e-government, shaped by factors such as effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and perceived risk. Furthermore, a positive and significant relationship between attitude and Intention to use revealed. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of citizen behavior towards e-government services, offering insights crucial for enhancing service delivery and citizen engagement at the local level.


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How to Cite

Afrizal, D., Luthfi, A., Bin Wallang, M., Hildawati, H., & Ekareesakul, K. (2024). Citizens’ Intention to Use E-Government Services in Local Government by Integrating UTAUT, TPB, and TAM Model. Journal of Local Government Issues, 7(2), 129–143.


