Actualization of Human Rights Values Through Bureaucratic Reform Towards Justice Bureaucratic Governance




Before entering the reform era, bureaucratic governance in Indonesia was characterized by the practice of collusion and nepotism in which the bureaucracy could not carry out its duties and obligations professionally and they could not achieve their careers fairly and sustainably. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. In terms of data collection used, namely library research in the form of journals, books, and the Internet Therefore, the aim of bureaucratic reform is to realize fair bureaucratic governance in which bureaucratic apparatus can carry out their duties and obligations professionally and the bureaucracy can reach career paths as a state apparatus fairly and professionally. So far, bureaucratic reform has not yet reached its objectives, where bureaucratic governance, especially in the context of promotion of the position of state civil apparatus (ASN), is still colored by the practice of collusion and nepotism caused by high political intervention in ASN promotion. Regional autonomy and regional head elections are wrong which causes bureaucratic reform to not work effectively. The regional head who is the result of the regional election places ASN in the strategic position of regional apparatus according to their political interests, not based on the potential possessed by the ASN. For this reason, the design of bureaucratic reforms needs to be reorganized so that the gap of political intervention in bureaucratic governance can be minimized in order to realize a professional bureaucracy.

Keywords: Bureaucracy, Bureaucratic Reform, Human Rights


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How to Cite

Edy, N. (2019). Actualization of Human Rights Values Through Bureaucratic Reform Towards Justice Bureaucratic Governance. Journal of Local Government Issues, 2(1), 115–133.


