A Flipped Classroom Applied: Undergraduate Students' Perception in Mathematics


  • Olajumoke Olayemi Salami University of Johannesburg




This study was designed to determine undergraduate students’ perception in a flipped Applied Mathematics classroom. A survey research design was employed to measure students’ responses after a successful seven-week deployment of the flipped model of instruction delivery at a University in North Central Nigeria. An intact class of 32 students was used for the study, out of which 21 students returned the adopted Feedback Questionnaire on Flipped Classroom Activity. Analysis of the results of the study shows a positive level of students’ perception (grand mean = 2.765) and an enriched learning experience in terms of curiosity, engagement and enlightenment. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that teachers at all levels of mathematics education should always seek instructional approaches that are student-driven like the flipped classroom to sustain interest and improve academic performance.


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