Author Guidelines

AUTHOR GUIDELINES BIMANTARA (Business Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Journal)


  1. The article sent to BIMANTARA has never been published or given to other media
  2. The article related to the field of management and entrepreneurship (Please read the Aims and Scope of this journal : ),
  3. The contents of articles can be in the form of Research Result Article or thought out article
  4. Articles that are published, do not always reflect the views of the Editorial Board
  5. Please submit your manuscript file as a Microsoft Word extension Document (DOC/DOCX) or Rich Text Format (RTF)
  6. The length of the submitted paper is at least 12 pages and no more than 25 pages (including references)
  7. For submission, please log in or register and submit your manuscript or through  the link Online Submission: (

PDF Author Guidelines Download


The manuscript should contain several aspects of a scientific article as follows:

  1. Title : The title of the article should be clear (not ambiguous), identifying the content, good, interesting and coherently. The format of the title uses Type Title with Capitalize First Letter (Not All Capital Letters); Font Garamond; Size 16; Single Line Spacing; Paragraph Spacing: Above & Below paragraph-6pt. Number of words in the title should be no more than 15 words
  2. Author Identity (Name, Identity, Affiliation) : The authors names are written under the title. Use Font Garamond 12 Bold, Centered Allignment with single spacing (Follow the latest template).
  3. Abstract and keywords : The abstract is written in English. Abstract consist of 1 paragraph, with the number of words between 100–200 (italic) and It uses Times New Roman 11pt and a single space. It is a maximum of 5 keywords in English with very clear meaning. The keywords are separated by a semicolon (;).
  4. Citation suggestion and author e-mail address : Citation will be written by the journal editor after being declared accepted. Corresponding Author please write the main email from the author of the journal.
  5. Introduction : In this section, the language of manuscript is English. Manuscript is written in Times New Roman, font pt 11pt, Spacing: 1.15pt, Paragraph indent: 1 cm/mm. The introduction section of your research paper should include the following: a) General introduction, b) Problem definition, c) Gaps in the literature, d) Problems solution, 7) Study motivation, 8) Aims & objectives, and 9) Significance and advantages of your work
  6. Literature review : Literature review contains related theories about variables or topics raised in the article. Literature reviews must be containing the results from previous studies related to the research topic. In this section, quantitative research indicators are also used to measure research variables. Literature reviews can also contain research hypotheses, research questions, or propositions. The author can also add a research framework to the submitted article to support the formulated hypothesis
  7. Research Methods: The main materials must be written here: (1) research design; (2) population and samples; (3) sample collection techniques and instrumental development; and (4) data analysis techniques. Manuscript is written in Times New Roman, font pt 11pt, Spacing: 1.15pt, Paragraph indent: 1 cm/mm.
  8. Result and Discussion: The data analysis processes, such as statistical computing and hypothesis testing, are not necessary to be served. The materials reported are the analysis results and hypothesis testing results. The discussion of article aims to: (1) answer the problems and research questions; (2) show the ways the findings obtained; (3) interpret the findings; (4) relate the finding results to the settled-knowledge structure; and (5) bring up new theories or modify the exist theories.
  9. Conclusion: The conclusion section of your research paper should include the following: (a) Overall summary, (b) limitations, and (c) suggestion/recommendation for further research.
  10. Acknowledgement (optional): This section allows you to thank all the people who helped you with the project. Write a thank you to the sponsor for research
  11. References: The references used should be within the last 10 years with 80% journal references. Check each reference against the original source (authors name, volume, issue, year, DOI Number). Please use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. The format of writing a bibliography uses APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Association). The reference source writing format follows the following example.


  1. The paper used is A4 with the number of pages between 10-15, including the Bibliography/Reference
  2. Please follow the latest Bimantara Template provided on the journal website (download manuscrip template:
  3. The text is typed with MS Word, font Times New Roman 12pt, 1,15 space, upper margin 3 cm, left 3 cm,  right 3 cm, and bottom 3 cm
  4. Using English with a good structure and plagiarism maksimum of 20% (Must check plagiarism first before submitting the article, recommended use of Turnitin check),
  5. It is mandatory to check the sentence structure or vocabulary used according to English grammar guidelines, we recommend checking it using the relevant website, eg: Grammarly pro (please visit ).


Writing bold letters is only used in titles and subtitles, while italics are only used in writing foreign words, or words that get abstract writing. Writing direct quotes can be done in two ways, namely placing the author (reference source) and the year of publication before the quoted sentence or writing the author year of publication behind the quoted sentence. Example:

Robbins, S. P.  dan Timothy A. J. (2008: 146) states that the Value System is a hierarchy based on the classification of individual values according to their intensity.

Reference :

Writing a bibliography is done with APA style (name, year) with a period separator (.) Here is an example of writing a reference:

a. Writing references from books

Luthans, Fred. 2005. Organizational Behavior 10th Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc

b. Writing references from the journal, newspaper, etc.

Widayat. 2008. “Penentu Perilaku Berinvestasi”. Ekonomika Bisnis. Vol.01 (02) Pp. 111-127

c. Writing References from internet / online resources

Subambang, Budiono, 2004. Kajian Inkubator Investasi Daerah Sebuah Pemikiran Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal. Available online at http://www/

d. Writing reference from proceeding, thesis, dissertation, paper (unpublished)

Tambunan, Tulus T.H. 2011. “MSMEs, Entrepreneurship, and Government Policies: The Story from Indonesia” Paper presented in Seminar Nasional: Perkuatan UMKM sebagai Leading Sektor Perekonomian Indonesia. October. UMM

Table and Figure

Writing I in the table is written with the letters Time New Roman 10 single space.

Writing table titles using numbers (1,2,3, etc) and place above the table.

Table as far as possible not from the scan, print screen or screenshot results.

Each table must include the source and listed below the table.

The title of the image/graphic/ illustration is placed under the illustration and its position in the center.

Not allowed to include attachments.


Editors have the right to edit the writing, without changing the author’s intent or views,

Please see references for writing articles that have been published in the Journal of Business Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (