The Effect of Leadership, Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance and Compensation as Moderation Variables
Kepemimpinan, motivasi, kepuasan kerja, kineraja karyawan, kompensasi.Abstract
This study aims to examine the influence of leadership, motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance and compensation as a moderation variable of the study on CV. Citiplan in Malang. The sampling technique uses a saturated sampling technique, with all employee of CV. Citiplan which is 47 respondents. The analytical tool used is a moderated regression analysis using SPSS. The instrument in this study is the validity test of the reliability test, the test of classical assumptions. Hypothesis using the T test and uji F using SPSS. The results showed that leadership has a significant influence on employee performance, motivation has a significant influence on employee performance, job satisfaction has a significant influence on employee performance. Leadership, motivation, job satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Compensation moderates on the influence of leadership, motivation, work integrity on employee performance.