
  • Muhammad Lukman Syafii Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo



This research was done based on issues encountered by the author in teaching reading comprehension at the Management Study Program. The fact indicated that the learners’ competencies in comprehending English texts were insufficient. To deal with the issue, the investigator implemented the Story Mapping Strategy as one of the solutions in the teaching reading. This research uses a Classroom Action Research design. The subjects were 14 students. The research was done in two cycles by ensuing the procedure of action research, namely: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Each cycle was implemented in two meetings of the strategic application and one meeting for the test. The data of the research were collected by employing the ensuing instruments: observation checklist, field notes, questionnaire, and a reading comprehension test. The findings of the research showed that the Story Mapping Strategy could enhance the learners’ reading comprehension. This research is categorized as effective when 70% or more of the learners can achieve progress of at least 10 points greater than the result of the preliminary research. After the investigator did the first and second cycles, the finding indicated that the learners’ scores were improved. In the first cycle, 8 (57%) learners out of 14 learners reached the obtain progress of ≥10 points. In the second cycle, learners who achieved the target score of ≥10 points went up to 11 learners (78%). The findings indicated that the Story Mapping Strategy successfully increased the learners’ reading comprehension. In addition, the class successfully created a better learning atmosphere compared to before the implementation of the story mapping strategy.


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How to Cite

Syafii, M. L. (2021). THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STORY MAPPING STRATEGY TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION. Celtic : A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics, 8(1), 1–21.


