Author Guidelines

Farmasains: Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kesehatan is accepting article submission from authors. The article processing charge of this journal currently is free, sponsored by Faculty of Health Sciences UMM. Please note that all of the submission will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin Software. The similarity index should not exceed 25%. The paper should be written in a concise English language. The average time of submission to decision (accapted or rejected) is 8 weeks. 

Abstract is a brief description of the entire writing, containing the main issues discussed, the reasons for the research, the objectives, methods, and results of the study. Abstract is written not more than 250 words in which there are no tables / images and libraries.

KEYWORDS: Keyword-1, Keyword-2, Keyword-3, Keyword-4, Keyword-5.

Use semicolon (;) as a separator


The beginning of a word starts with a capital letter except for conjunctions beginning with a lowercase letter. Writing the Latin names of plants in the title with a capital letter at the beginning of the first word (genus), lowercase letters in the second word (Species) and tilted (italic).

In this section, the author must contain the background, issue / problem / urgency / rationalization, and explain the phenomenon of the actual problem under study, supported by references and the results of previous related studies that have been done by themselves or others, and explain the existence of research in that context . It is better not to contain detailed literature searches or summary results, not a review of the subject area, but a clear statement must be written about the question being discussed. The introduction must be designed in a rational sentence and the reader can know the importance of research conducted by the author.

The scientific text is written in 5-10 pages. All sources referenced or quoted must be written in the bibliography. Introduction without using the section title and written using the special first line 1 cm paragraph format. Do not give paragraph spacing between adjacent paragraphs.


The materials used in the research should be mentioned clearly along with the sources obtained. The method contains an explanation about the type or nature of research, procedural information, data sources, data collection techniques, data collection instruments, and data analysis methods

The research method must be well explained, so that readers can repeat the experiment that has been done by the author. All tools, instruments, chemicals, etc. must include the name of the product and the manufacturer. Genes, strains, age, and average body weight of the test animals must be clearly stated in this section. Plant samples must be written from the origin and authenticity. Research using animal, human subjects, biological samples from human subjects should obtain ethical clearance from Ethical Commitee of the country in which the research was conducted. In Indonesia, the certificate is released by KEPK (Komisi Etik Penelitian Kesehatan) and the number of the certificate should be written clearly in the methods.


The results and discussion must answer the problems and objectives of the study. The results are written concisely and clearly. Can be presented in the sub-section, without using numbers. The title of the section is written in capital letters at the beginning of the word and bold. If in the sub-section there are sub-sections, the writing of the sub-subab title is written in capital letters at the beginning of the word tilted (italic). Writing paragraphs in each sub-section uses the 1cm special first line paragraph format.

Tables, Graphs and Images.

Tables, graphs, pictures, and / or photos (if any) do not occur overlapping in their compilation, given numbers, titles, and complete information and are quoted in the text. Tables, graphs, images, and / or photos are numbered in the order they appear. Tables and images must be clearly legible and can be printed properly because the text will be printed in a black and white format (for writers who want proof of print). Images, tables, graphics, photos must be placed as close as possible to the related text. Referral, quotation, or the inclusion of images, tables, and so on using numbering, not with the words "as follows", "as below", and so on. All of the figures tables, and graphs should be cited in the body text.


Writing the title of the image is under the picture in left. Diagrams are classified in the form of images, therefore the rules for giving a description of a diagram are adjusted to the rules of writing.

Inclusion of tables / data that are too long (more than one page) should be avoided. Tables only use horizontal lines or minimize the use of vertical lines. Each table column must be given a heading.

Interpretation of results must be written in the discussion of the research article or in some circumstances it may be desirable to combine the results and discussion in one section. Writing paragraphs on the results and discussion is written using a special first line paragraph format 1 cm.

Conclusions must answer the problems and objectives of the study. Conclusions are not summaries nor are they rewritten from the discussion. Writing paragraphs in conclusions using the special first line 0.8 cm paragraph format.

The references referred to are at least 25 libraries, with a composition of 80% being primary sources and should come from the results of research, ideas, theories or concepts that have been published in journals, both printed and electronic. The reference referred to from the book is the result of the publication of the last 10 years, with the exception of classical references which are used as material for historical studies. Please write the bibliography and quotations using the APA or American Psychological Association style. In addition, for writing bibliography and citations it is recommended to use the Mendeley or Zotero application. The DOI number must be mentioned clearly.

Library taken from journal publications
Writer's name. (year). Title of article in journal publication. Publisher Name italicized, Volume (issue), page.
Hasson, S. S. A. A., Al-Busaidi, J. K. Z., & Sallam, T. A. (2015). The past, current and future trends in DNA vaccine immunisations. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 5 (5), 344–353.

Library taken from books
Author's name. (year). The title of the book is italicized (edition). City: Name of Book Publisher.
Poedjiadi, A. (1994). Basics of Biochemistry (xi). Jakarta: University of Indonesia Publisher.

Library taken from the Website Page
MOH, R. (2014). Eliminate the Myth About Cancer. Retrieved from (Accessed August 21, 2018)


Use only recommended SI units. Numerals should be used for all numbers of two or more digits, and for single digits when attached to units of measure. Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses after their first mention in the text in accordance with internationally agreed rules.




It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or licence the publication rights in their articles to Journal of Pharmasciences. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.