The effectiveness of cellulolytic bacteria on feeds towards the immune response of Tilapia
Erythrocytes, Leukosite, Nila Tilapia, PhagocytosisAbstract
Tilapia is one of fishery commodities that is very good to be developed in the
cultivation sector. However, the tilapia often incurs with the diseases so that
the cultivators have difficulty in maintaining the health of the tilapia. One of
the ways to improve the health is by distributing the cellulolytic bacteria
addition and blood is one of parameters that used to identify the tilapia’s
health. The research method used was an experimental quantitative method
by preserving the fish and giving cellulolytic bacteria on the feeds for 30 days;
then, the bloods ware taken to test the immune system. The parameters used
were 12 parameters, of which parameters involved of 8 main parameters and
supporting parameters. The conclusion of this research is that the best
treatments are in the treatments of P1 because 4 main parameters out of 8
main parameters experience an increasement and 6 main parameters
experience highest increasement from all of the treatments. For the P3, the
highest increasement of main immune system is in the leukocytes and
phagocytosis activity. Thus, the fish can prevent the outside attacks.
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