Peran Ekonomi Digital Dan Ketenagakerjaan Dalam Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Studi 5 Negara Asean


  • Denita Capridasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang



E-commerce, Economic Growth, Labor, Network User, Panel Data Regression


The study aims to analyze the effect of internet network users, e-commerce transaction value, and total employment on economic growth. This research was conducted with a panel data regression approach and used secondary data from the World Bank and the data box. This study applies a panel data regression approach to analyze the effect of E-Commerce and energy absorption on the economic growth of 5 ASEAN countries in 2015-2021. The results confirm the hypothesis that the development of internet users has a positive impact on economic growth, the development of e-commerce value has a positive effect on economic growth, and the number of workers has a significant positive impact on economic growth.


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How to Cite

Denita Capridasari. (2024). Peran Ekonomi Digital Dan Ketenagakerjaan Dalam Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Studi 5 Negara Asean. Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi JIE, 8(01), 52–67.