Identifikasi Hubungan Faktor dan Strategi Pengembangan Daya Saing Konsultan Konstruksi di Provinsi Aceh




Construction Consultant, Competitiveness Factors, Competitiveness Development Strategy, SPSS


The competitiveness becomes one of the most important factors in determining whether a company can survive or not. The good competitiveness affecting a company can develop and improve to the better condition and become more professional. This research aims to identify the significant factors affecting the competitiveness of construction consultant in Aceh and to analyze the correlation between competitiveness factors and strategy development of construction consultant in Aceh Province. The research objects are construction consultants in medium qualification (M) in Aceh. This is the quantitative research by using questionnaires. The data is analyzed by using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) Program. The data analysis includes validity test, reliability test, descriptive analysis and bivariate correlation analysis. The significant factors of competitiveness are human resource capacity factor (X4), information and technology accessibility factor (X2), government factor (X8), company strategy and management factor (X9), condition factor (X6), demand condition factor (X7), and contracting capacity factor (X5). The mean values of each are 4.449, 4.402, 4.259, 4.236, 4.176, 3.970, and 3.895. The demand condition factor (X7) has moderate correlation to the competitiveness development strategy that the Pearson correlation is 0,533. While contracting capacity factor (X5), condition factor (X6), government factor (X8), and company strategy and management factor (X9) have high correlation to the competitiveness development strategy that the Pearson correlations are 0.611, 0.722, 0.654, and 0.686.  Then information and technology accessibility factor (X2) and human resource capacity factor (X4) have very high correlation to the competitiveness development strategy that the Pearson correlation are 0.823 and 0.823. All of the factors have the significant correlation to the competitiveness development strategy in Aceh due to the sig < 0,05 (5%) or rcount > rtable that are all Pearson Coefficient > 0.381.



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Author Biography

Ikhwan Achmad Iwan, Syiah Kuala University

Civil Engineering Magister Program, Engineering Faculty, Syiah Kuala University



How to Cite

Iwan, I. A. (2020). Identifikasi Hubungan Faktor dan Strategi Pengembangan Daya Saing Konsultan Konstruksi di Provinsi Aceh. Media Teknik Sipil, 18(2), 95–103.


