Implementation Guideline to Solve Obstacles in Construction Delay Analysis: An Empirical Study of Indonesia

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Untuk Mengatasi Kendala dalam Analisis Keterlambatan Proyek Konstruksi: Studi Empiris di Indonesia


  • Zetta Rasullia Kamandang Civil Engineering Department-Faculty of Engineering-Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ‘Veteran’
  • Jyh-Bin Yang Graduate Institute of Construction Engineering and Management- Department of Civil Engineering-National Central University, Taiwan



Construction project commonly suffers schedule delays and consequent claims. To overcome schedule delay difficulties, certain schedule delay analysis methodologies have been developed, but project practitioners are habitually not familiar with conducting required data collation and delay analysis. This research aims to provide an implementation guideline of using schedule delay analysis approaches to solve the obstacles of the analysis and uses Indonesia construction practitioners as an example to examine the proposed guideline. Interviews were performed with domain experts in Indonesia to collect existing obstacles, suggestions, and opinions to create an implementation guideline. The proposed guideline with the required documents is suitable for solving the obstacles identified in Indonesia. The proposed guideline covers three implementation phases; before, during, and during/after construction. Before construction, the guideline helps to identify key issues in a contract. During construction, identifying and categorizing schedule delay types are strongly suggested. Besides that, arranging the schedules (as-planned and as-built) and delaying time types to one comparison table is necessary during or after the construction. The proposed guideline with required documents is expected to be a reference for project practitioners in performing delay analysis systemically.


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How to Cite

Kamandang, Z. R., & Yang, J.-B. (2023). Implementation Guideline to Solve Obstacles in Construction Delay Analysis: An Empirical Study of Indonesia: Pedoman Pelaksanaan Untuk Mengatasi Kendala dalam Analisis Keterlambatan Proyek Konstruksi: Studi Empiris di Indonesia. Media Teknik Sipil, 21(1), 1–10.