Index Information

Index Information for Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology

The Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology is indexed and accessible through several well-known academic and research platforms, ensuring broad visibility and discoverability of its content. Below is the information on the key indexing services:

1. Google Scholar
The journal’s articles are indexed in Google Scholar, a widely used search engine for scholarly literature, ensuring that published research is easily discoverable by academics, researchers, and students around the world.

2. Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital)
As an Indonesian national reference portal managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Garuda indexes the journal's articles, making them accessible to researchers, academics, and institutions across Indonesia.

This journal is also available in other indexing and library services, providing further reach and accessibility to its content:

The journal’s articles are also available on ResearchGate, a professional network for researchers. This platform allows for the sharing and discovery of research, as well as fostering collaboration among researchers globally.