Study of Growth and Production of Cotton Crops on Organic and Inorganic Fertilization


  • Nunik Diana Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat
  • Dian Indratmi Universitas Muhammadyah Malang



Growth, Inorganic fertilizer, Organic fertilizer, Production, Cotton plant


The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of organic and
inorganic fertilization and to obtain the right dose of organic and
inorganic fertilizers for the growth and production of seed cotton
plants. The research was designed using a Randomized Group
Design with 8 treatments repeated 5 times. The treatments were
inorganic fertilizer Balittas package dose (100 kg N + 37.5 kg P2O5
+ 37.5 kg K2O), Balittas package dose treatment with the addition
of cottonseed cake bokashi, Balittas package dose with the
addition of cow manure, Balittas package dose with the addition of
cottonseed cake bokashi and cow manure and treatment with a
dose of 1⁄2 Balittas package with the addition of organic fertilizers
mentioned above, and treatment only with the use of organic
fertilizers. The results showed that the treatment of organic and
inorganic fertilizers was very effective in increasing the growth and
production of cotton plants. The fertilization dose of Balittas
package (100 kg N + 37.5 kg P2O5 + 37.5 kg K2O) + cottonseed
cake bokashi + cow pukan gave better growth and production
compared to other treatments, but the fertilization treatment of 1⁄2
dose of Balittas package (50 kg N + 18.75 kg P2O5 + 18.75 kg
K2O) + cottonseed cake bokashi tended to be more efficient.


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How to Cite

Diana, N., & Indratmi, D. (2022). Study of Growth and Production of Cotton Crops on Organic and Inorganic Fertilization. Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology, 4(1), 1–6.