Linguistic Landscape of Malukat Temple in Gianyar, Bali: Analysis on Public Signage


  • Ni Putu Meri Dewi Pendit Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
  • Afriliani Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Verayanti Utami Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Indonesia



linguistic landscape, public signs, semiotic function, syntactic scope, temple


One intriguing aspect in linguistic studies is linguistic landscape, which encompasses the use of language in public spaces. This research aims to delineate the syntactic characteristics of information boards within self-cleaning temples (Malukat) situated in Gianyar, Bali. Furthermore, it investigates the function of the bilingual information boards' (Indonesian and English). The study employs a qualitative method to elucidate the syntactic scopes and semantic functions found in the informational boards. The analysis draws from landscape linguistics theory by Yendra and Artawa (2020) and incorporates micro-linguistics theories, including Noortyani's (2017) syntactic scope theory, Landry and Bourhis (1997) linguistic landscape theory, and Nida's (2000) translation equivalence theory. Findings reveal that temple information boards exhibit diverse syntactic scopes, predominantly in the form of sentences, as they convey detailed and comprehensible information to visitors. The semiotic function employed in public space signboards predominantly features informational and symbolic functions, contributing to the overall linguistic landscape of the temple environment. The research concludes the fact that the dynamic relationship between language, culture, and public spaces, emphasizing the need for a nuanced approach to linguistic analysis in diverse environments.


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How to Cite

Pendit, N. P. M. D., Afriliani, & Utami, N. M. V. (2024). Linguistic Landscape of Malukat Temple in Gianyar, Bali: Analysis on Public Signage. KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Pengajarannya, 10(1), 161–172.


