The effectiveness of collaborative learning on civic education problem-solving abilities based on cognitive styles


  • S. Sucipto Master Program of Education Technology, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr. Soetomo University, Indonesia
  • Windi Setiawan Mathematic Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr. Soetomo University, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Hatip Mathematic Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr. Soetomo University, Indonesia



cognitive style, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, problem


Problem-solving ability is one of the competencies that individuals must have as a provision to face increasingly complex problems. This study aims to determine the effect of the application  of the Collaborative Learning (CL) model on the problem-solving ability of civic education based on the cognitive style of students. This study applies the quantitative research paradigm with a quasi-experimental design. The research subjects were 162 students selected by cluster random sampling  technique from two private universities in Surabaya, Indonesia. Data collection techniques use Cognitive Style  Inventory (CoSI) and Problem Solving Inventory (PSI).  The data were analyzed using an independent sample t test technique with  SPSS software. The results showed that the application of the CL model had a significant effect on the problem-solving ability of civic education in students. The field independent (FI) cognitive style  shows higher problem-solving ability than  the field dependent (FD) in both the application of the CL model and the Cooperative Learning (CpL) model. In the learning process, it is recommended that educators apply the CL model as an alternative in improving the problem-solving ability of civic education by paying attention to the cognitive style of students.


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How to Cite

Sucipto, S., Setiawan, W., & Hatip, A. (2024). The effectiveness of collaborative learning on civic education problem-solving abilities based on cognitive styles . Research and Development in Education (RaDEn), 4(1), 149–161.


