Development augmented reality assisted teaching modules human sensory system to improve student learning outcomes
augmented reality, human sensory system, learning outcomes, moduleAbstract
In the era of digital transformation, the use of technology to improve the quality of learning is very important. This research aimed to develop a teaching module for human sensory system material assisted by augmented reality media to improve students' biology learning outcomes. This research uses research and development methods. The subjects of this research were 22 Biology Education students at the University of Papua. Data collection instruments include validation sheets and questionnaires to determine the validity and responses of students to teaching modules as well as providing multiple choice questions to measure learning outcomes. The data analysis technique is descriptive by calculating validation results, analyzing student response questionnaires and student learning outcomes. The research results show that media and material expert validation test results obtained a percentage of 93.33% with a very valid category. The results of assessing student responses in the trial obtained an average percentage of 85.13% in the very good category. Student biology learning results show an average of 61.36 in the sufficient category. The conclusion of the research on Augmented Reality-assisted teaching modules meets the criteria of being valid, practical and effective and improving students' biology learning outcomes.
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