About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Sospol: Jurnal Sosial Politik aims to explore knowledge and give such kind of recommendation regarding state and society problems through academics and practitioners perspective. It publishes articles related to five specific social politics field studies involving sociology, governance, communication, social welfare, and international relations.

It consists of special scientific research topics,

  1. Good Practice of Local Governance

  2. Public Policy and Social problems

  3. Media and Political Communication

  4. Election and Political Parties

  5. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Analysis

  6. Global Cooperation on Development

  7. International Politics

  8. Civil Society and Social Movement

  9. Social Work

  10. Community Empowerment

The Journal Sospol always support topics of the publication covering domestic and international issue dealing with social politics field of research. We hope to be one of the contributors to Indonesia's development progress through the dissemination of research from academics and practitioners both from within and outside the country.

Peer Review Process

  1. Each manuscript submitted by author arrived to editorial desk by double blind peer review
  2. Editor will examine whether manuscript has been suitable with writing style format and journal template
  3. Editor will make sure a manuscript covering one of journal scope of topics
  4. The editors may be guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements as shall be not contained copyright infringement and plagiarism
  5. Manuscript that has received editorial acknowledgment will be examined by at least two reviewers.
  6. Reviewers will identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation.
  7. The argumentation of author should be clearly defined, objectivelly based on methods, and used scientific process of thinking.  
  8. The editors of the Sospol journals are responsible for deciding which one of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. The editors may confer with reviewers in making this decision.
  9. We do hope great cooperation among authors and reviewers to fullfil review process based on time (2 weeks - 8 weeks). The changing due date of authors and reviewers will be discussed by editors to decide time of article publication      

Publication Frequency

The Sospol publishes twice a year. It publishes in January-June (Volume 1) and July-December (Volume 2)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. We are continuously working with our author communities to select the best choice of license:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Plagiarism Policy

The Journal Sospol Editorial board recognizes that plagiarism is not acceptable and therefore establishes the following policy stating specific actions (penalties) when plagiarism is identified using TURNITIN.

Plagiarism involves the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work."

Papers must be original, unpublished, and not pending publication elsewhere. Any material taken verbatim from another source needs to be clearly identified as different from the present original text by (1) indentation, (2) use of quotation marks, and (3) identification of the source.
Any text of an amount exceeding fair use standards (herein defined as more than two or three sentences or the equivalent thereof) or any graphic material reproduced from another source requires permission from the copyright holder and, if feasible, the original author(s) and also requires identification of the source; e.g., previous publication.
When plagiarism is identified, the Editor in Chief responsible for the review of this paper and will agree on measures according to the extent of plagiarism detected in the paper in agreement with the following guidelines:

Level of Plagiarism
1.Minor: A short section of another article is plagiarized without any significant data or idea taken from the other paper
Action: A warning is given to the authors and a request to change the text and properly cite the original article is made

2.Intermediate: A significant portion of a paper is plagiarized without proper citation to the original paper
Action: The submitted article is rejected and the authors are forbidden to submit further articles for one year

3. Severe: A significant portion of a paper is plagiarized that involves reproducing original results or ideas presented in another publication
Action: The paper is rejected and the authors are forbidden to submit further articles for five years. 

If the second case of plagiarism by the same author(s) is identified, a decision on the measures to be enforced will be made by the Editorial board (Editor-in-Chief, and Editorial members) with the Chair of the Editor in Chief. The author(s) might be forbidden to submit further articles forever.

This policy applies also to material reproduced from another publication by the same author(s). If an author uses text or figures that have previously been published, the corresponding paragraphs or figures should be identified and the previous publication referenced. It is understood that in case of a review paper or a paper of a tutorial nature much of the material was previously published.

The author should identify the source of the previously published material and obtain permission from the original author and the publisher. If an author submits a manuscript to The Sospol with significant overlap with a manuscript submitted to another journal simultaneously, and this overlap is discovered during the review process or after the publications of both papers, the editor of the other journal is notified and the case is treated as a severe plagiarism case. Significant overlap means the use of identical or almost identical figures and identical or slightly modified text for one half or more of the paper. For self-plagiarism of less than one half of the paper but more than one-tenth of the paper, the case shall be treated as intermediate plagiarism. If self-plagiarism is confined to the methods section, the case shall be considered as minor plagiarism.
If an author uses some of his previously published material to clarify the presentation of new results, the previously published material shall be identified and the difference to the present publication shall be mentioned. Permission to republish must be obtained from the copyright holder. In the case of a manuscript that was originally published in conference proceedings and then is submitted for publication in The Sospol either in identical or in expanded form, the authors must identify the name of the conference proceedings and the date of the publication and obtain permission to republish from the copyright holder. The editor may decide not to accept this paper for publication.

However, an author shall be permitted to use material from an unpublished presentation, including visual displays, in a subsequent journal publication. In the case of a publication being submitted, that was originally published in another language, the title, date, and journal of the original publication must be identified by the authors, and the copyright must be obtained. The editor may accept such a translated publication to bring it to the attention of a wider audience. The editor may select a specific paper that had been published (e.g. a “historic” paper) for republication in order to provide a better perspective of a series of papers published in one issue of Journal Sospol. This republication shall be clearly identified as such and the date and journal of the original publication shall be given, and the permission of the author(s) and the publisher shall be obtained.

The Journal Sospol layout editor for the Journal is responsible for maintaining the list of authors subjected to penalties and will check that no authors of a submitted paper are on this list. If a banned author is identified, the layout editor will inform the Editor-in-Chief who will take appropriate measures. This policy will be posted on the website with the instructions for submitting a manuscript, and a copy will be sent to the authors with the confirmation email upon initial receipt of their original manuscript. A sentence shall be added to the copyright transfer form to indicate that the author(s) have read the Plagiarism Policy.

Journal History

Journal Sospol is the Journal of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. This journal was established in 2010 which covered 5 (five) field of social and political sciences - Sociology, Social Welfare, Government, Communication, and International Relations. It consists of 10 (ten) articles in each publication.

The first publication, we used the title “Sospol: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik”. It published 2 (two) issues of Vol 1 on March 2011 and September 2011. The whole articles were only published in Bahasa by printed version ISSN 2088-8090.

Due to technical problems, unfortunately, Volume 2 of Journal Sospol published only one issue in November 2016. It was the beginning of Journal Sospol accepted articles written in Bahasa or English. The publisher – PKSP released its online version in cooperation with research and community services directorate (DPPM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

In 2017, Journal Sospol released its new cover and template. Journal Sospol stands for Journal of Social Politics. It has new structural organization of management and published twice a year during January-June for Number 1 and July-December for Number 2. Vol 3 No 2 (2017) officially published online by e-ISSN 2597-6648.

In dealing with the effort to increase the standard of publication, the new template release in Vol 5 No 2 (2019). It is also supported by the new formation of Editorial Boards. 

Sospol: Journal of Social and Politics in collaboration with Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi (ASPIKOM) and Asosiasi Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Pekerja Sosial Indonesia (ASPEKSI). The ASPIKOM and ASPEKSI as an prominent epistemic community forums contribute in providing Journal Sospol's editor and peer-reviewers. 

Based on the support from authors, peer-reviewers, and the great team, Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik in November 2019 has achieved the 3rd rank of national accreditation (SINTA).