IKEA in Indonesia: The Synergy of Swedish Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding





IKEA, Indonesia, Nation-branding, Public diplomacy, Swedia.


Public diplomacy and nation-branding are two popular concepts and closely related to diplomacy activities by both state and non-state actors. Szondi discusses the possible inter-connections of the two concepts and formulates understanding on how his concept can help to explain the various attempts of both state and non-state actors in achieving national interest. The unit analysis of this study is Sweden as state actor and IKEA as multi-national corporation. The existence of IKEA as company with its global-popular brand has becoming concerns for further research particularly on how IKEA brand as the instrument to supports Sweden’s public diplomacy. This study aims to analyze Swedish public diplomacy and nation-branding in Indonesia through the IKEA brand as the case study and by using the model of public diplomacy and nation-branding proposed by Szondi. The study uses qualitative method with data collection carried out through documentation studies from 2014-2018. The findings indicate that the IKEA brand has unique characteristics. In Szondi’s model, IKEA brand positioned in the incision between the area of public diplomacy activities and the area of nation-branding, which is described by Szondi as the fourth model. Through the IKEA brand, there is a synergy between Swedish public diplomacy activities and its nation- branding strategy. The IKEA brand has succeeded not only in the promotion of its products or companies, but also contributed to a positive image and reputation of Sweden and, increase social and economic engagement with Indonesia.


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Author Biographies

Anggia Valerisha, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Lecturer at the Department of International Relations

In 2017, Parahyangan Catholic University (Unpar) proved itself as one of the best private universities in Indonesia. In university rankings throughout Indonesia released by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) some time ago, Unpar was re-entered into the list of 100 best non-polytechnic colleges in Indonesia. In fact, based on the rating, Unpar became the best private university in West Java Province.

Based on clustering and ranking in 2017, Unpar is categorized as a cluster two university, ranked 34th nationally. When compared with non-polytechnic private universities in Indonesia, Unpar is now ranked 4th nationally. For three years in a row, Unpar has been the best private university in the western part of Indonesia (West Java, DKI Jakarta and Banten, also Sumatera).


Raden Fahrizal Ahadisuryo, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Graduated Bachelor


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How to Cite

Valerisha, A., & Ahadisuryo, R. F. (2020). IKEA in Indonesia: The Synergy of Swedish Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding. Sospol, 6(1), 85–97. https://doi.org/10.22219/sospol.v6i1.11170