Analisis Narasi Konten Kegiatan Karyawan PT Telkom Indonesia Pada Media Sosial Instagram @livingintelkom


  • Faza Ainun Nafisah Researcher


Narrative, Communication, Psychology, Media Sosial, Telkom Indonesia


This research aims to figure out and analyze the narrative content on the Instagram account @livingintelkom using a communication psychology approach. We make observation and documentation on the content of @livingintelkom during a predetermined period to obtain data. This type of research is qualitative and uses descriptive analysis. The results of this research show that Telkom Indonesia managing @livingintelkom content can build a positive public image with effective and intelligent strategy. The content presented through personal narratives, hashtag promotions, and information about company achievements and employee empowerment has successfully created a positive and inclusive image of the work environment. This content supports all employee activities and portrays the workplace as a welcoming and supportive environment. The strategy of Telkom to communicate information on the @livingintelkom account in the context of communication psychology is more dominant, specifically the "Reinforcement of Responses" in the information content "Fresh Graduate Syndrome" to focus on acknowledging the emotions of young targets. Telkom's development of social media content not only strengthens company branding but can also increase the interest of the younger generation in making Telkom a great place for work in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Nafisah, F. A. (2024). Analisis Narasi Konten Kegiatan Karyawan PT Telkom Indonesia Pada Media Sosial Instagram @livingintelkom. Sospol, 10(1). Retrieved from