The Harmonised Shari’ah and Human Rights on LGBT


  • Muhammad Khusnul Khuluq Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia (Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia)



Maqāṣid al-sharī’ah, maqāṣidi approach, sharī’a and human rights, harmonistic perspective, harmonised sharī’a and human rights, LGBT.


This article has an objective to analyse the phenomenon of LGBT through the lens of harmonisation between sharī’ah and human rights. Although in general the LGBT groups have faced challenging realities of discrimination and it encourages them to become minority and vulnerable groups, they are human being who have dignity. It means their dignity must be respected and protected. In dealing with this issue, some scholars have covered it either via the perspective of sharī’ah or human rights. However, the study that has focused on the issue using the perspective of harmonic elaboration between sharī’a and human rights has remained in absence. Accordingly, this article will consider the issue using the perspective and the approach of maqāṣid al-sharī’ah. This article argues that what sharī’a and human rights believe in relation to human dignity is not contradictory. Consequently, it is important to reconstruct the understanding of Islamic jurisprudence that is more humanistic. Therefore, in the context of LGBT, sharī’a and human rights can be united in a harmonious perspective.



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How to Cite

Khuluq, M. K. (2020). The Harmonised Shari’ah and Human Rights on LGBT. Ulumuddin Journal of Islamic Legal Studies, 1(1), 1–23.


