Analysis of Air Jurisprudence as a result of the 28th Tarjih National Conference


  • Almalia Rosyada


water fiqh, Muhammadiyah Contemporary Ijtihad, Tarjih & Tajdid Council, 28th Tarjih National Conference


Water Jurisprudence is the result of the 28th National Tarjih Meeting of 2014, which was held in Palembang, South Sumatra. The problem of the water crisis has a very serious impact, especially for future generations. The idea of ​​Fiqh of water by Muhammadiyah is a set of basic values, universal principles, and implementation formulations that are sourced from the teachings of the Islamic religion. Water Jurisprudence regulates how our attitude and concern for water should be, how to use water, manage it, conserve it, and also preserve it. There is a collection of rules, values ​​and principles of the Islamic religion regarding water which includes views on water, as well as solutions to various problems regarding water, especially from the point of view of the culture of its use. This study aims to determine and analyze the methods used by the Tarjih and Tajdid Councils in determining Water Jurisprudence. In addition, this research is important in order to add insight and understanding of the community about water fiqh, especially Muhammadiyah residents. Because seeing natural disasters, especially floods that occurred in early 2021, is a strong reason for the lack of human concern for nature, especially in maintaining water. This study uses a juridical-normative research method, which is a method in formulating a problem using a selection method for books, journals, and other materials to be used as research sources.


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How to Cite

Rosyada, A. (2022). MUHAMMADIYAH’S IJTIHAD ON WATER: Analysis of Air Jurisprudence as a result of the 28th Tarjih National Conference. Ulumuddin Journal of Islamic Legal Studies, 2(1), 41–60. Retrieved from


