Pengaruh Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) terhadap Binge Watching Gen Z dengan Emotionally Immature Parents


  • Bunga Nadira Pradiansyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
  • Azizah Fajar Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka



FOMO, Binge Watching, Emotionally Immature Parents, Gen Z


Kemudahan akses digital yang dirasakan oleh Gen Z menimbulkan konsekuensi negatif seperti fear of missing out akibat dari rasa cemas tidak bisa mengikuti tayangan yang banyak diperbincangkan di media. Hal tersebut menjadikan perilaku menonton sebagai coping bermasalah. Haluan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh dari fear of missing out (FOMO) terhadap binge wathing Gen Z dengan emotionally immature parents. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling yang melibatkan 161 responden laki-laki dan perempuan dengan rata-rata usia 14-24 tahun; senang menonton serial/film/drama lebih dari 1 kali tanpa jeda; memiliki pengalaman kurang mengenakkan dengan orang tua kandung. Pengambilan data yang dilakukan secara online melalui kuesioner (angket) mengadaptasi alat ukur Binge Watching Engagement and Symptoms Questionnaire yang dikembangkan oleh Flayelle et al (2018) serta The Online Fear of Missing Out Inventory dikembangkan oleh Sette (2019). Hasil uji regresi ditemukan nilai F bernilai 107.829 dengan nilai B unstandardized 0.635 dengan R square 0.404 dan P value 0,05 > 0,000. Hal ini menunjukkan H0 ditolak, sehingga FOMO berpengruh signifikan terhadap binge watching Gen Z dengan emotionally immature parents dengan  persentase sebesar 40.4%. Dengan demikian apabila FOMO meningkat, maka perilaku binge watching Gen Z juga akan meningkat signifikan.


The ease of digital access experienced by Gen Z gives rise to negative consequences such as fear of missing out due to anxiety about not catching up to discussed film in the media. This makes watching behavior a problematic coping. The aim of this study was to see the effect of FOMO on binge watching Gen Z with emotionally immature parents. This study used a quantitative non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique involving 161 male and female respondents with an average age of 14-24 years; enjoy watching series/films/dramas more than once without a break; have unpleasant experiences with biological parents. Data collection carried out online through a questionnaire adapting the Binge Watching Engagement and Symptoms Questionnaire measuring tool developed by Flayelle et al (2018) and The Online Fear of Missing Out Inventory developed by Sette (2019). The results found an F value of 107.829 with an unstandardized B value of 0.635; R square of 0.404; P value of 0.05> 0.000. This shows that H0 is rejected, so FOMO has a significant effect on binge watching Gen Z with emotionally immature parents with a percentage of 40.4%. Thus, if the FOMO increases, Gen Z's binge watching will also increase significantly.



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How to Cite

Pradiansyah, B. N., & Islam, A. F. (2024). Pengaruh Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) terhadap Binge Watching Gen Z dengan Emotionally Immature Parents. Satwika : Kajian Ilmu Budaya Dan Perubahan Sosial, 8(2), 391–399.



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