Author Guideline


  • The first author is responsible for the content of the manuscript and the address of the correspondent is included
  • Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English in accordance with scientific writing rules and writing guidelines
  • The manuscript is typed using the Microsoft Word program (doc./docx), A4 paper, the type and size of the letters are adjusted to the template
  • Manuscripts are sent through the OJS system on the Food Technology and Halal Science web.
  • Manuscripts received will be reviewed first by the editorial board then will be forwarded to the reviewers and will be returned to the authors for correction within ± 18 working days
  • Authors are given a time limit to revise for 12 working days after receiving the revised draft from the reviewer. If more than the specified time limit, then the manuscript is considered void.




  1. The title of the manuscript must be informative of a maximum of 25 words.
  2. The title is written in Indonesian or English with a capital letter at the beginning of the word except for the species name
  3. The name of the institution must be written in full



  1. Abstract written in English and Indonesian with a maximum of 300 words. Abstract written using Century 10 pt font, single spaced.
  2. Abstract is a summary of scientific writing consisting of research objectives, methods, results and conclusions of research. Abstract does not contain any library sources.



The inclusion of keywords is a maximum of 5 words, arranged alphabetically and separated by commas (,).



The introduction contains a concise and concise background of the research, and the objectives. Theoretical support does not need to be included in this section, but similar research that has been carried out can be mentioned.



  1. The research method consisted of tools, materials, research stages, research parameters, as well as experimental design and data analysis.  
  2. Written material that requires material in the form of an organism, it is necessary to specify the origin of the plant, animal, or microorganism with the identity of the species or strain. In experimental research, it is necessary to mention the quality of the reagents (technical or pro-analytical), the name of the manufacturer of the reagents used sometimes needs to be mentioned. Commonly used materials, such as distilled water, etc. do not need to be written in the script.
  3. The tools written are non-glassware instruments used in the research along with the specifications for these tools.
  4. The research stage is a research procedure carried out by the author and if taken from other sources, it is accompanied by citations.
  5. The parameters of the research carried out by the author, when taken from other sources, are accompanied by citations.
  6. The experimental design must be explained whether it is carried out qualitatively or quantitatively, the research factors, the statistical methods used, and the number of replications. Then explained the statistical tests performed to analyze the data.



  1. This section contains data (in concise form), data analysis and interpretation of the results.
  2. The discussion is carried out by linking it with other theories or research to support the interpretation of the existing data or results.
  3. This section can be divided into several sub-chapters, but it is not necessary to include the numbering.
  4. Table titles and pictures number sequentially according to the script
  5. Data presented in the form of an average, would be better if equipped with Standard Deviation (SD) or Standard Error of Mean (SEM) in tables or figures.
  6. Data in the form of statistical analysis equipped with information related to the statistical method used.



Conclusions answer the objectives, not repeat the theory, state the results of the research in a succinct manner.



Aknowledgment is optional and or if required. This section is a thank you to individuals/groups or agencies/agencies who assist in research outside the supervisor. In addition, the sources of research funds used, for example, Higher Education Research Grants, can be mentioned.



  1. The author is obligate to utilize bibliography ribbon in MS Word or to utilize Mendeley apps and synchronize with MS Word
  2. This section applies to Harvard and it’s written ONLY for cited references.
  3. The source may vary from different types such as book, scientific articles, website, proceeding, journals or book section.
  4. Minimum number of references is 15
  5. At least 80 % of total references are derived from journals.
  6. At least 80 % of total references must have been published from the last ten years.
  7. If the references have DOI then shall be embedded.
  8. The reference is written Century 12-pt, single space, justify, arranged alphabetically


Here are the examples of references: 


George, M. L., 2002. Lean Six Sigma : Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Speed. New York: McGraw-Hill

Allen, T. T., 2006. Introduction to Engineering Statistics and Six Sigma. London: Springer


Carnevalli, J. A. & Miguel, P. C., 2008. Review, analysis and classification of the literature on QFD - Types of Research, Difficulties and Benefits. International Journal of Production Economics, 114, pp. 737-754. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2008.03.006

Miguel, P. A. C., 2005. Evidence of QFD Best Practices for Product Development : A Multiple Case Study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 22(1), pp. 72-82. DOI 10.1108/02656710510573002

Ninan, G., Joseph, J., & Aliyamveettil, Z.A. 2014. A comparative study on the physical, chemical and functional properties of carp skin and mammalian gelatins. J Food Sci Technol, 51(9), pp.2085–2091. DOI:doi 10.1007/s13197-012-0681-4


Ma’rifat, T.N., Kholis M.N., & Purwanto S. 2016. Analisis Persepsi Konsumen dan Produsen sebagai Upaya Penerapan Sistem Jaminan Halal pada Industri Kecil dan Menengah Bidang Pangan di Kabupaten Ponorogo Jawa Timur. Prosiding. Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. LPPM Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor, 1 Desember 2016.


Purnomo, Dwi.  2011. Strategi pengembangan agroindustri halal dalam mengantisipasi bisnis halal global. Disertasi. Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor

Electronic publication

[FAO] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Food  General Guidelines for Use Of The Term “Halal”. [diakses pada 10 Juni 2017]. Tersedia dari :