Edukasi Hukum tentang Legalitas Vaksinasi Virus Covid–19 bagi Masyarakat Desa Bungin Tinggi-Sumatera Selatan
Edukasi Hukum, Vaksinasi, Covid – 19Abstract
Masyarakat masih bersepsi bahwa vaksinasi virus covid – 19 mempunyai efek negative bagi kesehatan penggunanya. Masyarakat awam dapat menumbuhkan rasa kepercayaan terhadap program vaksin tersebut dengan melihat landasan yuridis dengan adanya vaksin tersebut. Legalitas atas program vaksin ini sudah cukup memberikan keyakinan terhadap masyarakat mengenai keamanan hingga khasiat dari penggunaan vaksin covid–19 tersebut. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan ialah metode ceramah disertai sesi tanya jawab dan kuisioner. Tanggapan masyarakat desa bungin tinggi sekaligus peserta dalam penyuluhan sangat baik. Masyarakat mengetahui dasar hukum yang mengatur produk vaksin virus covid–19, secara tidak langsung menjelaskan bahwa vaksin tersebut higienis dan aman untuk digunakan masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan proses pembentukan regulasi terkait keberadaan vaksin virus covid–19, tidak hanya melalui prosedur tata rancangan pembentukan peratudan perundang–undangan saja, tetapi juga melalui uji klinis atas produk vaksin yang diatur tersebut. Melalui pengabdian ini, diketahui terjadi peningkatan pemahaman mengenai asas legalitas dan hubungannya dengan penetapan berbagai produk jenis vaksin serta upaya Perlindungan hukum bagi masyarakat terkait dengan proses vaksinasi covid – 19 yang dicanangkan pemerintah.
Legal Education on the Legality of Covid-19 Virus Vaccination for the Village Community of Bungin Tinggi-South Sumatra
People still perceive that the COVID-19 virus vaccination harms the health of its users. The general public can develop a sense of trust in the vaccine program by looking at the juridical basis of the vaccine. The legality of this vaccine program is enough to give confidence to the public regarding the safety and efficacy of using the COVID-19 vaccine. The implementation method used is the lecture method accompanied by a question-and-answer session and a questionnaire. The response from the Bungin village community as well as participants in the counseling was very good. The public knows the legal basis that regulates the covid-19 virus vaccine product, indirectly explaining that the vaccine is hygienic and safe for public use. This is due to the process of establishing regulations regarding the presence of a covid-19 virus vaccine, not only through the procedure for the design of the formation of laws and regulations but also through clinical trials of the regulated vaccine products. Through this service, it is known that there is an increase in understanding of the principle of legality and its relationship with the determination of various types of vaccine products as well as legal protection efforts for the community related to the COVID-19 vaccination process launched by the government.
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