
Crafting a strong conclusion for a scientific journal article is crucial, as it synthesizes your key findings, reinforces the significance of your research, and offers insights for future work. Here are tips to help you create an impactful conclusion:

  1. Summarize Key Findings: Begin your conclusion by summarizing the main findings of your study. Provide a concise overview of the results, highlighting the most important outcomes that directly address your research questions or hypotheses.

  2. Link to Research Objectives: Clearly connect your findings to the initial research objectives. Remind readers of the purpose of your study and demonstrate how your results contribute to addressing the research questions or fulfilling the study's objectives.

  3. Revisit Hypotheses: If applicable, revisit any hypotheses presented in the introduction. Discuss whether your findings support or reject these hypotheses and offer insights into the implications of these outcomes.

  4. Address Limitations: Acknowledge and discuss the limitations of your study in the conclusion. This demonstrates transparency and helps readers understand the scope and generalizability of your findings. Discuss how these limitations may impact the interpretation of your results.

  5. Consider Implications: Explore the broader implications of your research. Discuss how your findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field. Consider the practical, theoretical, or policy implications of your work.

  6. Relate to Existing Literature: Place your findings in the context of existing literature. Discuss how your results align with or diverge from previous studies. Identify areas of consensus and disagreement and articulate the unique contribution of your research.

  7. Highlight Innovation: Emphasize any innovative aspects or novel insights your study brings to the field. Clearly articulate the unique contributions that set your research apart from existing literature.

  8. Suggest Future Directions: Offer suggestions for future research based on the gaps or unanswered questions identified in your study. Discuss potential avenues for further investigation, methodologies that could enhance understanding, or areas that require deeper exploration.

  9. Avoid Introducing New Information: The conclusion is not the place to introduce new information or data. Stick to summarizing and synthesizing the existing findings without introducing novel concepts or results.

  10. End with a Strong Statement: Conclude your article with a strong and memorable statement that reinforces the importance of your research. Sum up the main takeaways and leave the reader with a lasting impression of the significance of your work.

  11. Consider the Journal’s Audience: Tailor your conclusion to the specific audience of the journal. Consider the level of expertise and interest of the readership and adjust the tone and depth of your conclusion accordingly.

  12. Revise and Refine: Take the time to revise and refine your conclusion. Ensure that it aligns with the overall flow of your article, provides a cohesive ending, and effectively communicates the importance of your research.

    Building Research Background

    Developing Literature Review

    Developing and Choosing Research Methods

    Result and Discussion