Journal History
By. Nandy Agustin Syakarofath, M.A
Update : 19 August 2024
The inaugural release of the Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan (JIPT) in 2013 marked a significant milestone in its history. The journal was launched under the leadership of Ni'matuzahroh, S.Psi., M.Si., and Zainul Anwar, S.Psi., M.Psi., who served as the initial editorial team. They operated under the guidance of Dra. Tri Dayakisni, M.Si., then Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). As faculty members at UMM, these individuals were entrusted with the academic responsibility of establishing JIPT as a platform for scholarly research.
The motivation behind the creation of JIPT stemmed from the recognition of a wealth of unpublished scientific works authored by faculty members and students within UMM's psychology department. Initially, most submissions to the journal were research findings and community service reports from psychology lecturers. Over time, the journal's contributor base expanded to include alumni, authors from other academic institutions, and professionals in the field of psychology.
JIPT adheres to a biannual publication schedule, with issues released in January and August. The current Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Dr. Latipun, M.Kes.
By official decree from the Ministry of Higher Education, JIPT is registered with ISSN 2540-8291 (online) and 2301-8267 (print). The journal has been accredited with Sinta 3 status since 2017.
JIPT is indexed by both national and international institutions, including Google Scholar (international), the Science and Technology Index (SINTA - national), Portal Garuda (national), Indonesia One Search (national), DOAJ, EBSCO, and various other citation databases that index peer-reviewed scientific literature.
A recent update to the JIPT template was implemented starting with Volume 9, Number 2, in August. The new template features a more polished front-page design, the inclusion of subheadings in the abstract section, and the use of Overleaf, an online LaTeX editor, to improve the heading structure. Additionally, the font has been changed to enhance readability. In mid-2019, a new cohort of editorial board members and reviewers was introduced, starting from Volume 9, Number 1, and continuing with subsequent editions.