
  • Diantini Ida Viatrie



Ketakutan pada bahaya kejahatan kriminal (fear of crime) tentu mengurangi tingkat kesejahteraan psikologis dan dapat menurunkan intensitas interaksi social. Pada kelompok dewasa, banyak variable lain yang ikut mempengaruhi tingkat fear of crime seperti usia, status social ekonomi dan etnisitas. Penelitian ini menggambarkan ketakutan remaja pada kejahatan kriminal dan kegemaran mereka pada berita kriminal. Subjek penelitian adalah 151 remaja berusia 15 – 20 tahun di kota Malang. Mereka menjawab lima pertanyaan dimana tiga pertanyaan berupa pertanyaan tertutup dan dua lainnya adalah pertanyaan terbuka.Kelima pertanyaan ini berhubungan dengan perasaan ketakutan. Hasilnya mengindikasikan bahwa sebagian besar informan perempuan merasa ketakutan. Namun pada informan laki-laki, hanya separuh dari mereka yang merasa takut. Informan  laki-laki maupun perempuan lebih suka membaca berita non-kriminal. Sekolah yang dalam beberapa waktu belakangan ini dikabarkan menjadi tempat terjadinya banyak kejahatan kriminal dan seksual, ternyata masih dinilai sebagai lokasi yang relatif aman dari bullying.


Kata kunci: Perasaan terancam, kejahatan criminal, remaja


It has never been clear if today’s teenagers have fear of crime or not, in Indonesia. They can be subject of crimes and they can also be the offenders. The murder case of a female student aged about 18 years old showed that the offenders were the victim’s ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. They were all considered too young to commit such a crime. Research findings tell that the consistent variable found when it comes about teenagers’ fear of crime was sexes. Crime news on the papers and on tv also found to be influential to teenagers’ fear of crime. This survey research was held to describe the fear of crime among teenagers in Malang, East Java and their fond of crime news. The informants were 151 teenagers aged between 15-20 years old and they still went to school. There were 5 questions related to fear of crime asked to the informants and this survey found that most female teenagers were fear of crime. Boys were less fear than girls but both boys and girls prefer non-crime news. Despite of crimes and sexual abuses recently happened in schools, the informants thought that schools were still relatively safe place.


Keywords: fear, crimes, teenagers.



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How to Cite

Viatrie, D. I. (2016). MENILIK PERASAAN TERANCAM BAHAYA KEJAHATAN KRIMINAL. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 3(1), 121 –.



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