Perundungan dan School Well-being: Place Attachment sebagai Moderator


  • Katarina Menik Astuti Universitas Indonesia
  • Ratna Djuwita Universitas Indonesia



Bullying, Moderation, Place Attachment, School Well-being


Abstrak. Salah satu bentuk perilaku yang dapat menurunkan school well being dan membuat iklim sekolah menjadi tidak menyenangkan adalah perundungan. Studi literatur menunjukkan bahwa selain perundungan, place attachment terhadap sekolah ternyata juga mempengaruhi school well being. Peneliti mengajukan hipotesis bahwa place attachment berperan sebagai moderator dalam hubungan antara perundungan dan school well being. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 133 orang mahasiswa tingkat pertama dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang mengadaptasi alat ukur school well-being dan place attachment. Selain itu ditanyakan pula pengalaman perundungan responden saat di SMA. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa place attachment berperan sebagai moderator dalam hubungan antara perundungan dengan school well-being; semakin tinggi place attachment maka semakin kuat hubungan negatif antara perundungan dengan school well-being. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa place attachment dapat menjadi penangkal terhadap perundungan. Bagi siswa yang memiliki ikatan dan identifikasi diri yang kuat terhadap sekolah, maka perundungan yang terjadi tidak menurunkan school well-beingnya. Mereka akan tetap merasa nyaman bersekolah walaupun perundungan masih terjadi.

Kata kunci: Perundungan, Place Attachment, School Well-being, Moderator

Abstract. One form of behavior that can reduce school well-being and make unpleasant school climate is bullying. Literature studies shows, that besides bullying, place attachment to school also affects school well being. The researcher hypothesized that place attachment acts as a moderator in the relationship between bullying and school well being. Data collection was conducted on 133 first-degree students using a questionnaire adapting the school well-being and place attachment questionnaire. In addition, the questionnaire also asked about respondents' bullying experience when in high school. The results show that place attachment acts as a moderator in the relationship between bullying with school well-being: Higher  place attachment will act as a buffer on bullying.  Students who have strong bonds and identify themself strongly with their schools, their school well-being will not be harmed by bullying. This suggests that students with high place attachment can remain comfortable and happy in school, even though bullying still occurs in their schools.

Keywords: Bullying, Moderation, Place Attachment, School Well-being


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Author Biographies

Katarina Menik Astuti, Universitas Indonesia

Fakultas Psikologi

Ratna Djuwita, Universitas Indonesia

Fakultas Psikologi


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How to Cite

Astuti, K. M., & Djuwita, R. (2019). Perundungan dan School Well-being: Place Attachment sebagai Moderator. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 7(2), 158–170.


