Avoidance coping, contingent self-esteem dan belanja kompulsif


  • Djudiyah Djudiyah Universitas Muhamaddiyah Malang




Abstrak. Membanjirnya iklan produk fashion di berbagai media dan mudahnya mendapatkan produk pakaian, membuat keputusan berbelanja anak-anak muda lebih didasarkan pada aspek emosi. Keputusan berbelanja seringkali dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan gengsi atau penghargaan dari orang lain dapat mendorong mereka melakukan belanja kompulsif.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran avoidance coping dalam memediasi hubungan antara contingent self-esteem dengan belanja kompulsif pakaian. Subjek   penelitian ini berjumlah 276 mahasiswi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Angkatan 2018 yang diambil dengan teknik stratified sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam proses pengumpulan data adalah: skala Contingent Self-esteem (CSE), skala Coping Respon Inventoty (CRI)  dan skala  belanja kompulsif pakaian.  Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode  Mediation Analysis dari Hyes menunjukkan  bahwa avoidance coping mampu memediasi hubungan antara contingent self-esteem dengan belanja kompulsif yang ditunjukkan dengan B=0.322; dengan p=0.006 (<0.01).

Kata Kunci: avoidance coping, contingent self-esteem, belanja kompulsif


Abstract. The flood of advertisements on fashion products in various media and the ease of getting clothing products, makes the decision to shop for young people more based on emotional aspects. Shopping decisions are often meant to get prestige or appreciation from others, which can encourage them to do compulsive shopping. This study aims to determine the role of avoidance coping in mediating the relationship between contingent self-esteem and compulsive shopping for clothing. The subject of this study amounted to 276 female students at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang Force 2018 taken by stratified sampling technique. The measures used were: Contingent Self-esteem (CSE) scale, Inventory Response Coping scale (CRI) and clothing compulsive shopping scale. Data analysis was performed by the Mediation Analysis method from Hyes showed that avoidance coping was able to mediate the relationship between contingent self-esteem and compulsive spending as indicated by B=0.322; with p=0.006 (<0.01).

Keywords: avoidance coping, contingent self-esteem, compulsive shopping


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How to Cite

Djudiyah, D. (2019). Avoidance coping, contingent self-esteem dan belanja kompulsif. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 7(1), 65–80. https://doi.org/10.22219/jipt.v7i1.7836


