Strategi presentasi diri pengguna instagram ditinjau dari tipe kepribadian


  • Devia Balqis Rarasati Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Hudaniah Hudaniah Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Susanti Prasetyaningrum Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang



Instagram, Personality type, Self presentation strategies


Abstrak. Instagram merupakan salah satu tempat untuk presentasi diri. Presentasi diri yang berlebihan di instagram dapat membentuk identitas berbeda antara di dunia nyata dan online. Ada berbagai strategi dalam presentasi diri di media sosial atau bisa disebut strategi presentasi diri. Presentasi diri pengguna instagram memiliki tujuan berbeda. Hipotesis penelitan ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan strategi presentasi diri pengguna instagram antara tipe kepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 212 orang pengguna instagram berusia 18-24 tahun. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan teknik non-probality sampling khususnya accidental sampling. Variabel peneltian menggunakan skala Self-Presentation Strategies via SNS dan Eysenck Personality Inventory A. Hasil perhitungan menggunakan teknik independent t-test ada perbedaan strategi presentasi diri pengguna instagram ekstrovert dan introvert. Pengguna instagram tipe kepribadian ekstrovert memiliki rata-rata lebih tinggi di bandingkan introvert (ingratiation M=10,015, supplication M=5,636, dan enhancement M=10,88). Namun, pada strategi presentasi diri ingratiation dan supplication  tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan.

Kata kunci: Instagram, Strategi presentasi diri, Tipe kepribadian


Abstract. Instagram as social media platform has many functions, one of which is for self-presentation. An excessive self-presentation on Instagram may result in the formation different identity between real life and online. There are various strategies in self-presentation on social media which can be referred as self-presentation strategy. The self-presentation on instagram has different purposes. This study aims at finding the different of self-presentation strategy between extrovert and introvert. There were 212 instagram users aged 18-24 years old as the subjects of the study. Sampling technique was the sampling non-probability technique, with particular of accidental sampling. The variable were measured using Self-Presentation Strategies scale via SNS and Eysenck Personality Inventory A. The calculation result which used the independent t-test showed there was a different in using self-presentation strategy between the extrovert and introvert. The extrovert users had relative higher average value than the introvert ones (Ingratiation M=10.015, Supplication M=5.636, and Enhancement M=10.88). Yet, there was no significant different in self-presentation strategy between ingratiation and supplication.

Keywords : Instagram, Personality type, Self presentation strategies


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How to Cite

Rarasati, D. B., Hudaniah, H., & Prasetyaningrum, S. (2019). Strategi presentasi diri pengguna instagram ditinjau dari tipe kepribadian. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 7(2), 235–251.


