Development e-worksheet using PjBL on environmental pollution to enhance environmental literacy of tenth grade high school


  • Wardatul Uyun Biology Education Masters Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • S. Suhartini Biology Education Masters Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia



environmental literacy, PjBL model, electronic worksheet


The increasing environmental issues demand environmental literacy among the younger generation. 21st-century learning with PjBL-based worksheet can make the learning process more interactive, contextual, and focused on solving real-world problems. This research aims to:(1) produce an E-worksheet with the PjBL model on environmental pollution that is feasible as a learning model for 10th grade high school; (2) produce an E-worksheet with the PjBL model on environmental pollution that is practically for biological teachers and 10th grade high school; (3) produce an E-worksheet with the PjBL model on environmental pollution that is effective in improving environmental literacy for 10th grade high school. This research uses the R&D mode, specifically the 4D model. The research instruments included interview sheets, practitioner assessment questionnaires, material and media validation sheets, and multiple-choice and descriptive test sheets. Based on the data obtained: (1) The E-worksheet with the PjBL model on the topic of environmental pollution is valid according to material and media experts, scoring in the "very good" category; (2) The E-worksheet is practical based on teacher assessment and student responses with scores included in the “very good” category ; (3) The research results indicate that the N-gain for cognitive domain environmental literacy is (<g> = 0.43) and for the affective domain is (<g> = 0.63), which are categorized as moderate. Based on this, it can be concluded that the Electronic Worksheets (E-worksheet) with the PjBL model is feasible and practical and can enhance the environmental literacy of class X SMA students.


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How to Cite

Uyun, W., & Suhartini, S. (2024). Development e-worksheet using PjBL on environmental pollution to enhance environmental literacy of tenth grade high school. Research and Development in Education (RaDEn), 4(2), 1485–1497.


