About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Economic Innovation Case Study (SKIE) is a periodical service journal published twice (March and September). The editor receives a public service manuscript that focuses on 1) community economic empowerment; 2) development and empowerment of the creative economy; 3) digital-based economic development; 4) development and empowerment of small, micro and medium enterprises (SMEs); and 5) economic empowerment of rural communities.

Peer Review Process

The Economic Innovation case study (SKIE) uses a peer blind review. This process is our effort to provide quality and legible public service journals so that they truly benefit the community.

Publication Frequency

The Economic Innovation Case Study (SKIE) is published twice a year in March and September. Each number has ten articles.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides direct open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article processing fee

There are no article fees from the submission process to publication. We are committed to making all processes transparent and free.

Plagiarism Review and Screening Process

1. Initial review will focus on appropriateness of focus and scope and template.

2. When you have passed stage one, the article will be forwarded to the reviewer.

3. After the manuscript review process will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin

4. After completing all stages a new manuscript will be published

Publication Ethics

The publication of articles in peer-reviewed journals is an important model for our journal "Case Studies of Economic Innovation (SKIE)". It is important to agree on standards of ethical behavior expected for all parties involved in journal actions: authors, editors, peer reviewers and publishers.

Publication decision

The SKIE editor is responsible for deciding which articles should be published. The basis of the editor's decision is based on the policy of the journal's editorial board and the rationale of legal requirements relating to defamation, copyright, and plagiarism. The editor may change other editors or reviewers in making this decision.

Fair game

Editors view manuscripts at all times for their intellectual content regardless of the race, gender, creed, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors.

Editors and any editorial staff may not disclose any information about submitted manuscripts to anyone other than the appropriate authors, reviewers, prospective reviewers, other editorial shortages, and publishers, as appropriate.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

Unpublished material whose proposal is in a manuscript may not be used in the editor's own research without the written consent of the author.

Task Reviewer

Contribution to Editorial Decisions

Peer reviews assist editors in making editorial decisions and through editorial communication with authors can also assist authors in improving papers.


Every writer who is selected and feels that his dedication article is not worthy of being reviewed and published, then the author has the right to submit his resignation to the editor

Each reviewed manuscript must be reviewed as an accepted confidential document. Articles may not be shown or discussed with others who are bound by the editor.

Standards of Review Objectivity
must be done objectively. Personal criticism of the author is not justified. Reviewers must express their views clearly with supporting arguments.

Source Acknowledgment
The reviewer must identify the relevant or unpublished work cited by the author. Any statement that a statement, derivation, or report has been previously reported must be accompanied by the relevant citation. Reviewers should also ask editors to pay attention to substantial material or overlaps between manuscripts that are considering other published articles based on personal knowledge.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts where they have a conflict of interest arising from competition, collaboration, or other connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the article.

Writer's Task
Reporting Standard

The author of the original devotional report must present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. The underlying data must be represented accurately in the article. An article should contain sufficient detail and references to allow others to replicate the work. False or intentionally inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Data Access and Retention
Authors assist to provide raw data in connection with articles for editorial review, and should be prepared to provide public access to such data (consistent with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases), where practicable, and under any circumstances be prepared to retain data within a certain time after publication.

Originality and Plagiarism
The authors must ensure that they have written a completely original work, and if the author has used the work and/or words of others that this has been properly cited or cited.

Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publications
An author may not publish a manuscript describing the same research in more than one journal or major publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is an unethical publication behavior and is unacceptable.

Source Acknowledgment
Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that were influential in determining the nature of the reported work.

Article Writing
Authorship should build on those who have made significant contributions to the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the reported research. All who have contributed significantly to the authors must be listed as registered. Where are others who have judged in certain substantive aspects

Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects
If the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have unusual hazards inherent in their use, the authors must clearly identify these in the article.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
All authors must disclose in the article any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that could be construed to influence the results or interpretation of the article. All sources of financial support for business projects are a must.

Fundamental people in published works
When an author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in his self-published work, it is the author's obligation to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to return or correct the article.