About the Journal


Journal title Global-Local Interactions: Journal of International Relations  
Initials GLI
Grade ---
Frequency Two issues per year (June and December)
DOI prefix 10.22219 by  Crossref
Print ISSN - 
Online ISSN 2657-0009 
Editor-in-chief Dyah Estu Kurniawati (+6281328347077)
Man. Editor Hamdan Nafiatur Rosyida (+6281297332143)
Publisher Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Cite Analysis Google Scholar
Indexing -


Focus and Scope

Global Local Interactions: Journal of International Relations is a multi-disciplinary journal published twice a year (June and December) by the Department of International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. It aims to provide theoritical as well as policy relevant researches in various fields of study such as political science, international relations, economics, development studies, cultural studies, and security studies. 

The Global Local Interactions is a journal of international relations by nature, yet it more focuses on the impact of globalization in shaping global-local interactions among various actors within global society.

Our main topics include but not limited to:

  1. Contemporary Global Security
  2. Foreign Policy Analysis
  3. Geopolitics of Globalization
  4. Global Contemporary Issues
  5. Global Political Economic
  6. International-Domestic (Intermestic) Studies
  7. Network Society
  8. Paradiplomacy

GLI invites scholars, researchers, policymakers, and students to share insights in various topics mentioned above.