Aims and Scopes

Jurnal Inovasi Ekonomi

The Jurnal Inovasi Ekonomi is a short communication or letter journal* that seeks to challenge the status quo and push the boundaries of traditional thinking in economics and business. We are particularly interested in publishing articles that challenge conventional wisdom, question established theories or methods, or propose radical new ideas. We believe that only by embracing disruption and fostering innovation can we address the complex challenges facing our society today.

The journal welcomes articles that explore new frontiers in economics and business, such as the intersection of technology and finance, the impact of globalization on local economies, the role of ethics and social responsibility in business, and the challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship in emerging markets. We encourage authors to think boldly and outside the box and to challenge themselves and their readers to rethink assumptions and beliefs.

We recognize that the world is changing at an unprecedented pace, and therefore, we aim to provide a platform for the quick and agile dissemination of new ideas. We welcome short-communication or letter-format articles that can quickly and efficiently convey novel insights or perspectives. We believe that such articles can serve as a catalyst for further discussion and debate among scholars and practitioners and contribute to the development of new research directions and collaborations.

In summary, the journal aims to be a provocative and thought-provoking forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and perspectives in economics and business. We invite scholars and practitioners from all over the world to join us on this exciting and challenging journey.

Scopes (but not limited):
economic theory
developing process
sustainable growth
national and international income distribution
natural resources
productivity developments
macroeconomic policies
sectors of the economy: primary, secondary, and tertiary; or agricultural sector, industrial sector, and service sector
Financial Risk Management
Asset Pricing
Statistical Modeling
Insurance Finance
Insurance Markets
Insurance Institutions
Insurance Regulation
Actuarial Sciences
Business model developing cases
Non-traditional methodologies such as simulation, agent-based modeling, network analysis, and system dynamics
Management (Marketing, human resources; education, etc)
Public administration
Mathematics in finances

*)What is a short communication or letter journal?

A short communication or letter journal is a type of academic journal that focuses on concise and brief research articles. Unlike traditional research articles that are typically longer and provide a comprehensive analysis of a particular topic, short communication or letter journals aim to convey important findings or ideas in a concise format.

Here are some key characteristics of short communication or letter journals:

  1. Length: The articles published in short communication or letter journals are usually shorter in length compared to regular research articles. They aim to present the main findings, observations, or ideas in a clear and concise manner.

  2. Focus: These journals often prioritize cutting-edge or groundbreaking research that provides significant insights or addresses important research questions. They aim to disseminate important information quickly to the scientific community.

  3. Format: Short communication or letter journals usually follow a specific format, which may include sections such as introduction, methods, results, and discussion. However, the content within these sections is more condensed and focused, providing the core information without extensive elaboration.

  4. Peer review: Similar to other academic journals, short communication or letter journals typically undergo a peer review process. This ensures the quality and validity of the research being published, despite the condensed format.

  5. Timeliness: The publication process for short communication or letter journals is often faster compared to traditional research articles. This enables researchers to share their findings promptly and keep the scientific community updated on the latest developments in their field.

Short communication or letter journals serve as a platform for researchers to disseminate important findings, novel ideas, preliminary research results, or concise scientific observations. They provide a valuable avenue for sharing impactful research in a more succinct format, contributing to the overall scientific discourse.