Why does Gojek fail to maintain the Top Brand Award?


  • Maaz Ud Din PhD candidate at Swabi University
  • Ana Kadarningsih Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Nenny Ariani STIE AMM Mataram and PhD candidate at Diponegoro University




Gojek, brand images, purchasing decision


This study aims to understand the factors that cause Gojek to fail to maintain the Top Brand Award status. To answer the research objectives, the study build a conceptual framework with brand images as a mediating variable of service quality, product, promotion, and price on purchasing decisions. The research sample was 100 respondents. Test of research instruments using factor analysis for validity, and Cronbach Alpha for reliability and use multiple linear regression for data analysis. The result of this study found that the failure of Gojek to maintain the status of the Top Brand Award was caused by the company's lack of strengthening the driving variables. The statement is based on the finding that only price having a significant positive effect on brand images, while service quality, product, and promotion are not significant. The result makes the total impact of exogenous variables less optimal in increasing purchasing decisions.


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