Teacher’s Challenges in Implementing HOTS in Learning Arabic During Covid-19 Pandemic
Arabic Learning, Challenges, Covid-19, HOTSAbstract
HOTS-based Arabic learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era experienced complex problems because the learning process carried out online had an impact on the implementation of HOTS which was not optimal. This research encourages the disclosure of the challenges faced by teachers when implementing HOTS in learning Arabic in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research used a qualitative approach with the case study method in Islamic senior high school (MAN) 3 Padang Panjang West Sumatera, Indonesia. Collecting data was through an in-depth review of observations, interviews, and documents. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique was based on Miles and Huberman's theory by reducing data, presenting data, and concluding field findings. The data obtained were validated with data triangulation techniques and data sources. This study shows that the challenges faced by teachers stem from three main factors, namely; a) from the students' lack of Arabic language skills and uneven internet connection problems in the areas where students live; b) from the teachers' low understanding of the HOTS concept and its application in learning Arabic and; c) from school rules that have not set HOTS standards as a reference in learning. The test of the effectiveness of the application of HOTS skills in Arabic learning needs to be done through an online learning system.
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