Asosiasi Lesson Study Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Lesson Study)

Please read carefully the Author Guidelines, and make sure you have adhered closely to the rules before submission. Only submissions that conform to the guidelines and that include all required components, which are described in Author Guidelines, can be sent out for peer review.
Manuscripts which do not fully comply will be returned to authors. Before submitting be sure that you have complied with all the requirements for submission of manuscripts. That will help to ensure that we can consider your work quickly and give you a prompt decision.
Article Processing Charge
The fees charged for the process in the journal are organized as follows: (This journal charges the following author fees)
Article Submission: Free
Review Process: Free
Article Publication: 2.000.000 IDR
Hardcopy / Printed version : 300.000 IDR
Types of contributions
Original Research and Review Articles.
Authorship of the Paper
Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
Authors of work
The author of the paper should be the person who made the greatest contribution to the creation of the work. All those who contributed to the making of the work should be listed in the paper and as co-authors. If there are other contributors who took part in the preparation of making the same work should be listed or admitted as associates.
Before accepting a final version of the paper for publication is necessary that the author and all co-authors approved the final version.
Changes in authorship
Privacy change in authorship relates to the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in accepted version of the paper. An amendment to the data on the authors or co-authors is not possible after acceptance and publication in the online version.
If there is a need to amend the information on the authors, it is necessary to state the following:
Requirements that are not sent by the respective author (corresponding author) will not be considered.
Originality and plagiarism
All accepted papers will be tested with Turnitin software.
Authors are required to submit original written article. If other work necessary to work properly quote according to the instructions on the citation of work. If you use ideas of other authors require their written consent and using the same.
Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical behavior and will be severely punished, and as such is unacceptable. The author or authors are required before reporting to work in the journal checking their work through some of the programs for testing against plagiarism. The Editorial Board reserves the right to verify each work through the test of plagiarism and if the same occurs to notify the author.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Disclosure and conflicts of interest can be multiple. If the author or institution where the author has a financial assistance in project design or research is needed to adequately cover letter to inform the editorial and the public. Publication in journal person or institution that is financially supported by the making of the work or project is the best way to protect against conflicts of interest.
Fundamental errors in published work
If the author detects an error in the published paper is obliged to instantly inform journal editors or publishers and that as soon as possible the same document. The author shall, in the event of an error, to cooperate with the editorial board to remove the same.
Submission of an original manuscript to the Journal will be taken to mean that it represents original work not previously published, that is not being considered elsewhere for publication; that the author is willing to assign copyright to the journal as per a contract that will be sent to the author just prior to publication and, if accepted for publication, it will be published in print and online and it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, for commercial purposes, in any language, without the consent of the publisher.
The journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purpose.
Copyright Agreement
For open access articles, permitted third party (re)use is defined by the following Creative Commons user licenses:
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (CC BY-SA 4.0)
For non-commercial purposes, lets others distribute and copy the article, and to include in a collective work (such as an anthology), as long as they credit the author(s) and provided they do not alter or modify the article.
Language (usage and editing services)
Please write in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). For non-native English speakers, and perhaps even for some native English speakers, the grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation of the text are very important for an effective presentation. Hence, manuscripts are expected to be written in a clear, cogent, and readily understandable by an international readership. To avoid unnecessary errors, you are strongly advised to use the 'spell-check' and 'grammar-check' functions of your word processor.
Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English may wish to use the English Language Editing.
Reviewing of manuscripts
Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation and made by Editor. If two or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors.
Revision of manuscripts
Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be sent to editorial office through the Online Submission Interface. The revised manuscripts returned later than three months will be considered as new submissions.
Manuscripts must submit only online, proceeds are totally online and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files. Electronic submission reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and reduces the time of submission to publication.
You have to use JPBI template to prepare your article. Manuscripts written in English will be reviewed by editorial boards with related study competency.
Formatting requirements
The prepared article should be formatted with JPBI template. There are some parameters for authors.
If your article includes any Videos and/or other Supplementary material, this should be included in your initial submission for peer review purposes.
Divide the article into clearly defined sections.
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
The manuscript texts are written in English (see JPBI Template). Manuscripts in English will be first reviewed by editorial boards. The main text of a manuscript must be submitted as a Word document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file.
The manuscript well-typed in single column on A4 size paper, use of Arial. The manuscript contains an original work and have potentially contribute to the highly scientific advancement.
The manuscript should contain the following section in order:
a. Title
The title should describe the main content of article, be informative, concise, be accurate, unambiguous, specific, not too wordy (12-14 words only), does not contain formulas, and infrequently-used abbreviations. This is your opportunity to attract the reader’s attention. Remember that readers are the potential authors who will cite your article. Identify the main issue of the paper. Begin with the subject of the paper. The title should and complete.
The title describes the conducted research, Arial Narrow, Font size 19, single line spacing, 0 pt after spacing.
b. The author name
Full name without academic degrees and titles, written in capital letters. Manuscript written by groups needs to supplemented by complete contact details.
c. Name of affiliation for each author
The author name should be accompanied by complete affiliation address, email, WhastApp number, and corresponding email.
d. Abstract
Abstract, which comprised of approximately 200 words, provides a brief description of research problems, aims, method used, results, and conclusion. An abstract should stand alone, means that no citation in the abstract. Consider it the advertisement of your article. The abstract should tell the prospective reader what you did and highlight the key findings. Avoid using technical jargon and uncommon abbreviations. You must be accurate, brief, clear and specific. Use words which reflect the precise meaning. The abstract should be precise and honest.
It emphasizes research results in which written in single line spacing with left and right margin are 0.5 cm narrower than main text. 3-5 keywords must be written to describe the research scope observed as well as the main terms undergirding the research. These keywords can be single and/or combined words.
Key words: Written in English 3-5 words or groups of words, written alphabetically. Keywords are the labels of your article and critical to correct indexing and searching. Therefore the keywords should represent the content and highlight of your article. Use only those abbreviations that are firmly established in the field.
e. Introduction
This section could also provide the expected results. The introduction must be written in single line spacing. The introduction comprises of: (1) research problem; (2) insight and problem solve planning; (3) summary of theoretical studies and the results of the present study (state of the art), related to the observed problems (gap analysis), and (4) research aims.
In Introduction, Authors should state the objectives of the work at the end of introduction section. Before the objective, Authors should provide an adequate background, and very short literature survey in order to record the existing solutions/method, to show which is the best of previous researches, to show the main limitation of the previous researches, to show what do you hope to achieve (to solve the limitation), and to show the scientific merit or novelties of the paper. Avoid a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Do not describe literature survey as author by author, but should be presented as group per method or topic reviewed which refers to some literatures.
Example of novelty statement or the gap analysis statement in the end of Introduction section (after state of the art of previous research survey): “........ (short summary of background)....... A few researchers focused on ....... There have been limited studies concerned on ........ Therefore, this research intends to ................. The objectives of this research are .........”.
According to Armagan (2014), the introduction section comprises the first portion of the manuscript, and it should be written using the simple present tense. Additionally, abbreviations and explanations are included in this section. The main goal of the introduction is to convey basic information to the readers without obligating them to investigate previous publications and to provide clues as to the results of the present study (references should be selected from updated publication with a higher impact factor, traceable, and prestigious source books). To do this, the subject of the article should be thoroughly reviewed, and the aim of the study should be clearly stated immediately after discussing the basic references.
The body articles must be written in Arial Narrow, font size 11, 0 pt before spacing, and 0 pt after spacing.
f. Methods
Methods should make readers be able to reproduce the experiment. Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. Do not repeat the details of established methods.
Basically, this section describes the way the research was done. The main materials must be written here: (1) research design; (2) population and samples; (3) sample collection techniques and instrumental development; (4) data analysis techniques.
The specification and type of tools and materials must be written in case the researches have been conducted by using them.
The qualitative research, such as classroom action research, case studies, and so forth, need to mention the researcher attendance, research subject, and participated informants, as well as the methods used to explore the data, research location, research duration, and the description of research results validation.
It is suggested that the authors avoid to organize the article content into the smaller parts than second subheading in this section. However, in case of unavoidable factors, the writing style must follow the “Results and Discussion” section.
g. Results and Discussion
This section is the main part of the research result article in which the “fix” results are served. The data analysis processes, such as statistical computing and hypothesis testing, are not necessary to be served. The materials reported are the analysis results and hypothesis testing results. In addition, tables and graphics are also can be showed to enunciate the verbal narration. Tables and images must be given a comment or discussion. The details of qualitative research written in some sub-topics which directly related to the focused category.
The discussion of article aims to: (1) answer the problems and research questions; (2) show the ways the findings obtained; (3) interpret the findings; (4) relate the finding results to the settled-knowledge structure; (5) bring up new theories or modify the exist theories.
In discussion, it is the most important section of your article. Here you get the chance to sell your data. Make the discussion corresponding to the results, but do not reiterate the results. Often should begin with a brief summary of the main scientific findings (not experimental results).
The following components should be covered in discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section (what/how)? Do you provide interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?
Research results must be clearly concluded in answering the research questions. Interpreting the findings should be done by using logics and present theories. The findings in form of facts found in the research fields are integrated to previous researches or present theories. This must be supported by reliable references. In case the researchers bring a new theories, the old theories can be confirmed or rejected, or modify the old theories.
In some cases, it is unavoidable to organize an article by making sub-headings. Thus, this is the format to write JPBI manuscripts with sub-headings. In this section, there are specific rules which cannot be separated in an articles.
h. Conclusion
This part provides the summary of results and discussion which refers to the research aims. Thus, the new principal ideas, which are essential part of the research findings, are developed.
Conclusions should answer the objectives of the research. Tells how your work advances the field from the present state of knowledge. Without clear Conclusions, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work, and whether or not it merits publication in the journal. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and indicate possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future experiments and/or point out those that are underway.
The suggestions, which are arranged based on research discussed-findings, are also written in this part. These should be based on practical activities, new theoretical development, and/or advance research.
i. Acknowledgement
This section can be written in case there are certain parties need to be acknowledged, such as research sponsors/funding supporter. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, Financial supporters, or may another supporter, i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers, who may have given materials. Do not acknowledge one of the authors names. The acknowledgement must be written in brief and clear. In addition, avoid the hyperbole acknowledgment.
j. References
Citation and referencing must be written based on APA style 7th Edition which is organized by using Mendeley software latest version (See Mendeley User Guidelines).
Citing an article written by two authors, both of authors should be mentioned, however, for three and more authors only the first author is mentioned followed by et al., for example: Husamah and Pantiwati (2015) and Husamah et al. (2017). A series of references should be presented in ascending alphabetical order (Fatmawati et al., 2011; Hudha et al., 2014; Miharja, 2010). Different publications with the same author(s) and year will be presented separately, as follows 2015a, 2015b. References of unpublished data and personal communication should not appear in the list but should be cited in the text only (e.g., Pantiwati 2014, pers. com. (personal communication); Susetyarini 2014, unpublished data). In the reference list, the references should be listed in an alphabetical order. Names of journals should be abbreviated. Always use the standard abbreviation of a journal's name according to the ISSN List of Title Word Abbreviations (www.issn.org/2-22661-LTWA-online.php). More or less 80% references for literature reviews should be the recent (up to date) journals published in the last 10 years, but the rest of 20% references can be cited from research reports and or articles.
The following is an example of order and style to be used in the manuscript (These guidelines are based on the seventh edition (2020) of the Publication Manual of the American Psycological Association and the FAQs on the APA website [https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references]):
1. Journal articles:
Panno, A., Giacomantonio, M., Carrus, G., Maricchiolo, F., Pirchio, S., & Mannetti, L. (2017). Mindfulness, pro-environmental behavior, and belief in climate change: The mediating role of social dominance. Environment and Behavior, 50(8), 64-888. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916517718887
Jerrentrup, A., Mueller, T., Glowalla, U., Herder, M., Henrichs, N., Neubauer, A., & Schaefer, J. R. (2018). Teaching medicine with the help of “Dr. House.” PLoS ONE, 13(3), Article e0193972. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193972
Sanchiz, M., Chevalier, A., & Amadieu, F. (2017). How do older and young adults start searching for information? Impact of age, domain knowledge and problem complexity on the different steps of information searching. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 67–78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.02.038
Freeberg, T. M. (2019). From simple rules of individual proximity, complex and coordinated collective movement. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 133(2), 141–142. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31070437/
2. Articles in proceedings:
Hasnat, G. N. T., Kabir, M. A., & Hossain, M. A. (2018). Major environmental issues and problems of South Asia, Particularly Bangladesh. In C. M. Hussain (Ed.), Handbook of Environmental Materials Management (pp. 1–40). Springer Natrure. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58538-3_7-1
Slavoljub, J., Dragica, G., Zorica, P. S., Zivkovic, L., & Sladjana, A. (2015). To the environmental responsibility among students through developing their environmental values. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 171, 317–322. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.128
3. Book:
Zastrow, C., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Empowerment series: Understanding human behavior and the social environment (11th Ed.). Cengage Learning. https://www.cengage.co.uk/books/9781337556477/
Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular biology of the cell (4th Ed.). Garland Science. https://doi.org/10.2460/ajvr.75.7.613
4. Book with editor:
Flemming, N. C., Harff, J., Moura, D., Burgess, A., & Bailey, G. N. (Eds.). (2017). Submerged landscapes of the European continental shelf: Quaternary paleoenvironments. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://books.google.co.id/books?isbn=1118927508
5. Chapter in edited book
Groundwater-Smith, S. (2007). As rain is to fields, so good teachers are to students. In S. Knipe (Ed.), Middle years schooling: Reframing adolescence (pp. 151-170). Pearson Education Australia. https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/34614596?selectedversion=NBD41331657
Ashurst, P. R., Hargitt, R., & Palmer, F. (2017). Environmental issues. In P. R. Ashurst, R. Hargitt, & F. Palmer (Eds.), Soft drink and fruit juice problems solved (2nd Ed., pp. 195–199). Woodhead Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100918-5.00012-6
6. Thesis and dissertation, research reports:
Kabir, J. M. (2016). Factors influencing customer satisfaction at a fast food hamburger chain: The relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (Publication No. 10169573) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Miranda, C. (2019). Exploring the lived experiences of foster youth who obtained graduate level degrees: Self-efficacy, resilience, and the impact on identity development (Publication No. 27542827) [Doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University]. PQDT Open. https://pqdtopen.proquest.com/doc/2309521814.html?FMT=AI
Zambrano-Vazquez, L. (2016). The interaction of state and trait worry on response monitoring in those with worry and obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository. https://repository.arizona.edu/handle/10150/620615
7. Articles from the websites:
European Commission. (2019, January 11). Early childhood education and care. https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/content/early-childhood-education-and-care-56_en
Adams, R. (2018, August 22). Girls with top science GCSEs 'deterred from study at higher level'. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/aug/22/girls-top-science-gcse-deterred-study-higher-level-ifs-report
Conflict of interest - A conflict of interest exists when an author’s financial interests or other opportunities for tangible personal benefit may compromise, or reasonably appear to compromise, the independence of judgment in the research or scholarship presented in the manuscript submission.
Online proof correction
Corresponding authors will receive an e-mail with a link to our online proofing system, where have to make prof own article. The final version is created in PDF and authors have to accept final version or to immediately report the error. We will do everything possible to get your article published quickly and accurately. Please check carefully before replying, as the inclusion of any subsequent corrections cannot be guaranteed. Proofreading is solely your responsibility.
All the articles in this journal have been peer reviewed. Nonetheless, editors and organizers are not responsible for the content shown in this publication.
Asosiasi Lesson Study Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Lesson Study)