Effect of Altitude and Dose of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth of Ruskus Plants (Ruscus hypophyllum L.)


  • Nizar Zulmi Musyafa Universitas Muhammdiyah Malang
  • Untung Santoso Universitas Muhammdiyah Malang
  • Erny Ishartati Universitas Muhammdiyah Malang




Ruscus hypophyllum, altitude, nitrogen fertilize


Ruscus hypophyllum is an ornamental plant leaves that serve as cut foliage and herbal medicine. It is growth very slow, only two rods per month, so that is necessary to optimization cultivation, one of them with treatment of altitude (environment) and fertilization This research aimed to determine the effect of nitrogen fertilizer dose altitude for growth of ruskus. The study was compiled using a factorial design nested prepared using RAK and repeated 3 times. The first factor is altitude of 500 m asl (T1), 800 m asl (T2) and 1500 m asl (T3). The second factor is nitrogen fertilization: 0 g/plant (N0), 2 g/plant (N1), 4 g/plant (N2) and 6 g/plant (N3). Based of the research, there was a very real interaction between altitude and dose of nitrogen fertilization on some parameters of observations include: shoot length, number of buds, young leaf chlorophyll, number of roots and root length. The best treatment was a combination of T3N1 (altitude 1500 m asl and nitrogen fertilizer 2 g / plant), separately treatment of altitude very significant effect on the parameters of the number of leaves and shoots appear, and the best treatment is T3 (altitude 1500 m asl). There is a very real correlation between treatment of observations include: the number of long shoots with leaves (0.75), long shoots with the number of shoots (0.64), long shoots with a number of roots (0.79), long shoots with long roots (0, 84), number of leaves with the number of shoots (0.76), young leaf chlorophyll with long roots (0.75) and the number of roots with root length (0.65). The results of path analysis, there are two parameters that have a direct influence on the observation that young leaf chlorophyll (0.094) and the old leaf chlorophyll (0.335).


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How to Cite

Musyafa, N. Z., Santoso, U., & Ishartati, E. (2024). Effect of Altitude and Dose of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth of Ruskus Plants (Ruscus hypophyllum L.). Journal of Tropical Crop Science and Technology, 6(2), 127–139. https://doi.org/10.22219/jtcst.v6i2.37190

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