Perencanaan Line Balaning Guna Meningkatkan Output Produksi


  • Teguh Baroto



Line Balancing, RPW, Precedence Diagram


Every companyw ill alwaysh avem aing oal in a maximumb ennefit.F or this, onef actor
which support his is how to makea good productionp rocessT. his will be reachedif balancing
line of productionfl oor hasa verages tressingo f work especiallyfo r assemblyc ompanyb ecause
material handling in a work station will influence alother work station and cause production target
of companyw on't be available.
For getting line balancing use Rank Positional Weighat (RPW), method which is a
heuristicm ethodst hat is statemenot f trial and error approachingT.h is methodd ependso n the
function value for each work operation based on the standard time for each work activities
followingt hep roductionp rocessra nking( presedencdeia gram).
From the analysis using RPW method can be found optimum balance delay to each type
of ARM producti s from 60,46% to 20,5488% with productiono utputl lom 113,50u nits/day
become 116 unit/day, and also work efiiciency from 60,50 yo to 78,4511 o%, with workstation
numbera bout7 work stationsI.n otherh andf or type ofBED product1 5 hasb alanced elayf rom
35,29o /oto 16,454w ith productiono utputi ncreaseft om 77,44m t/day become1 20u niVdaya nd
also hase fficiencya bout6 4,710 /ob ecome8 3,548% with work stationn umbera bout6 . Theni t
can be concludedt hat work stationd esignu sing RPW methodw ill increaseo utput produot
especiallfyo r assemblyc ompany.


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How to Cite

Baroto, T. (2010). Perencanaan Line Balaning Guna Meningkatkan Output Produksi. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 2(2), 109–117.


