Selection for technology acquisition using AHP: a case study of Tulip VAWT effectiveness


  • Gembong Baskoro Swiss German University
  • Edhie Sarwono Yayasan Karya Bhakti United Tractors (YKBUT), Indonesia
  • Galih Akup Subekti UT School, Indonesia
  • Dena Hendriana Department of Master of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss German University
  • Henry Nasution Department of Master of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss German University


Technology acquisition, Innovation, Wind energy, Small-size VAWT


The growth of energy demand in Indonesia has increased, with the industrial sector being the largest user. Therefore, efforts to reduce dependence on the dominance of fossil energy by switching partly to new and renewable energy (NRE) through an energy mix is necessary, especially for the industrial sector. The options are to buy, to make, or to acquire technology. Therefore, this paper aims to conduct a study to choose from the available options for a small Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT), namely Tulip VAWT, and to assess its effectiveness by focusing on the product/ hardware only. The selection uses a subjective method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method on installability, usability, affordability, availability, and maintainability. The results show that with an AHP score of 0.65, Technology Acquisition (TA) is the best choice compared to buying with a score of 0.322 or making with a score of 0.296. This means that the five factors used to assess the effectiveness of tulip VAWT have influenced the decision to buy, complete, or acquire the product/technology.


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How to Cite

Baskoro, G., Sarwono, E., Subekti, G. A., Hendriana, D., & Nasution , H. (2024). Selection for technology acquisition using AHP: a case study of Tulip VAWT effectiveness. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 25(1). Retrieved from


