Penentuan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja dengan Menggunakan Simulasi Antrian di Departemen Produksi di PT. Surya Tubal Indonesia


  • Murti Astuti
  • Ilyas Mas'udin



line, server, waiting time


In its productionp rocessa, companyis consistedo f variousd epartmentssu pponingo ne
another in a good teamwork to build a single unity. Therefore inefiiciency in one of those
departmentsw ill affect other departmentsth at in turn will have impact on production outcome.
One of thosed epartmentiss producliond epartmentth at is one of the most imponants ections
whichp laysi mportanrt olei n productions moothness.
One of problemsd isturbingt he smoothnesosf flow processin this departmenits the
problemo f long productl ining markedb y considerablwea itingt ime.T his is certainlyi neffective
since it will not only disturb the production process flow but also decrease the product quality
causedb y too muchw aitingt ime in the line. Thereforew, e havet o makea n efforti n reducingth e
line sizew hile still considert he costj ust in casea n improvemenits made.T o overcometh is
matter,o new ay we couldt akei s utilizinga line simulationb y optimizings ervicefa cilitiesn umber
(numbero f laborf orce)w ith minimumc osta ndp roductw aitingt ime.


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How to Cite

Astuti, M., & Mas’udin, I. (2010). Penentuan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja dengan Menggunakan Simulasi Antrian di Departemen Produksi di PT. Surya Tubal Indonesia. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 3(2), 115–120.


