Perencanaan Persediaan Suku Cadang (Spare Part) Mesin Tenun Sulzer Ruti Berdasarkan Analisis Keandalan


  • Teguh Baroto
  • Tutik Solikhati



Availability of machine spare parts is very supporting f or maintenancea ctivity conducted
in order to improve the machine performance. So far, PT. Eratex Djaja often have difficulty in
ananging component stock particularly critical component of Sulzer Ruti machine, so it is
necesiary to deie.-ine theo ptimums tockc onditionto minimizer esultedc ost. In this researcwh e
will utilize probabiliticasl tockm odelw ith fixed amounto f order (Q systemm odel)i n ordert o
make average stock in storage as low as possible considering quite high price of the critical
component. In addition to this, it is also required that level of component availability is
maximized.B asedo n the stock model,w e are ablet o approachth e componenta mountr equiredf or
a givenp eriodb y assumingc onsta.natv eraged efectr ate.F rom the lesealchc anb e conlusedth at
the numbero f componentms ustb e requiredf or quidet oothb lock assimetrical:6, upper mean
brake lining blue : 10, lower brake lining blue : 12, and upper front brake lining blue =15


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How to Cite

Baroto, T., & Solikhati, T. (2010). Perencanaan Persediaan Suku Cadang (Spare Part) Mesin Tenun Sulzer Ruti Berdasarkan Analisis Keandalan. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 3(2), 155–162.


