Analisis Usability Menggunakan Metode Heuristic Evaluation Pada Aplikasi Mobile Bahasa Isyarat Tuna Rungu Wicara (Studi Kasus: Aplikasi AKRAB)
Main Article Content
Heuristic Evaluation is a technique for examining and analyzing usability problems in
interface design based on Usability Heuristics. Heuristic evaluation is very suitable for interface
research because it has more structure and direction compared to other methods. To find usability
problems more easily, heuristic evaluation is recommended when using design evaluation
techniques. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a usability analysis on AKRAB aplication
because this application has direct interaction with users so quality control must be carried out to
find out whether it is effective and efficient so that it always develops according to user needs.
This research applies 10 principles of usability heuristic evaluation by using experts or people
who are experts in the field of user interface or user experience as respondents. Based on the
evaluation results, it produces a total usability value of 1.96, while the total usability value of the
accessibility heuristic is 1.63, meaning that low priority improvements are needed. In these
results, 3 aspects were found with the highest level of problems, namely Error Prevention with a
value of 3.2, Flexibility and efficiency of use with a value of 2.8, and User Control and freedom
with a value of 2.6, which means there is a problem that is disturbing the user so improvements
are needed. with low priority. Then, 6 aspects were found with a moderate level of problem with
a severity rating of 2, which means repairs were carried out with low priority. Apart from that, 1
was found, namely Aesthetic and minimalist design with a severity rating value of 0.33, which
means there are no problems or the system is comfortable to use.
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