Call For Paper Vol 5 No 2 2022
FTHS call for paper for volume 5 no 2 2022
Please register and submit your article at
Journal title |
: Food Technology and Halal Science Journal |
Initials |
: FTHS |
Abbreviation |
: Food Tech. Halal Sci. |
Frequency |
: 2 issues per year (January, June) |
Onine ISSN |
Print ISSN |
Editor-in-Chief |
: Noor Harini |
Managing Editor |
: Rista Anggriani |
Publisher |
Citation Analysis |
Indexing |
Food Technology and Halal Science Journal is published by the Department of Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture-Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Food Technology and Halal Science Journal is first published in June 2018. This journal has been indexed and abstracted and displayed in Google Scholar, Crossref (doi: 10.22219), Garuda, Dimension, Worldcat, and ROAD ISSN. The OAI address of Food Technology and Halal Science Journal:
Food Technology and Halal Science Journal aims to provide a forum exchange and an interface between researchers and practitioners in any food technology related field. This journal only accepts articles from original research results (top priority), case study articles (not priorities), and scientific review articles that are new (not preference).
FTHS publishes the original scientific papers from observational or experimental research not only laboratories based but also field survey. The review papers which will be submitted should focus on the specific methods application rather than result analytical. While the review articles and book must be submitted after consult with the editors. The manuscript should be placed in an international comparative context.
The papers are screened on topic suitability and grammatical quality. Submitted papers will be reviewed by editorial technic (format and linguistic quality) and editorial board (content). The accepted papers will publish in HTML, PDF format, and hardcopy.
Editors welcome scholars, researchers, and practitioners of education around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.
FTHS call for paper for volume 5 no 2 2022
Please register and submit your article at
Food Technology and Halal Science Journal
Address :
Food Technology Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl.Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang, Indonesia, 65144
Phone: +62 341 464318 ext 116
Contact Info
Technical Support contact
Rista Anggriani
Email :
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